1. The Mitzvah of Mila in Scripture

* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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The Mitzvah of Mila in Scripture:

A. Parshas Lech Licha:[1]

At the age of 99, Hashem appeared to Avraham and asked him to perform a covenant with Him.

Avram becomes Avraham-Will become father of all nations: As a result, Hashem promised that Avraham would become a father for all nations, and his name will be changed from Avram to Avraham in light of this position. He will have a multitude of offspring and many kings will sprout from him.

Will inherit Israel: In merit of this Mitzvah, Hashem will make a covenant with Avraham’s descendants and be considered their G-d for eternity. They will be given the land of Canaan.

Laws of Bris Mila: Hashem requested that Avraham’s descendants guard this Bris. What is the Bris? For every male to circumcise himself. The removal of the foreskin will be a sign and covenant between us and Hashem. All household members are to be circumcised at eight days old. One who does not circumcise himself will be cut off from his nation, as he has denied My covenant.

The circumcision: After Hashem departed, Avraham took Yishmael and all of his household and circumcised them. Avraham was 99 years old at the time of his circumcision and Yishmael was 13 years old.

B. Parshas Vayeira:[2]

Yitzchak is circumcised: Hashem remembers the promise she made to Sarah and she conceives. She gave birth to a son for Avraham, exactly a year from the previous year’s prediction. Avraham named the son, Yitzchak, and circumcised him at eight days old, as he was commanded.

C. Parshas Shemos:[3]

Moshe’s son is circumcised: During the journey, while in the inn, Hashem met Moshe and desired to kill him [through an angel]. Tziporah took a sharp stone and circumcised the foreskin of her son. She threw it at Moshe’s feet and exclaimed “You are to me a murderer of my husband.” The [angel] then loosened his grip on Moshe.

D. Parshas Bo:[4]

By the last plague, the plague of the firstborn, the Jewish people were instructed to smear blood on their doorposts in order so they would not be susceptible to the angel of death. They were instructed to circumcise themselves and to slaughter the Pesach lamb and then take from that blood and smear it on the doorposts.

Laws of the Karban Pesach: The following are the laws of the Pesach sacrifice: No gentile may eat it. A slave must be circumcised prior to eating it. It shall be eaten in one’s home. One may not remove its meat from the home, and one may not break any of its bones. A convert must be circumcised prior to eating from it. Anyone who is not circumcised may not eat from it.

E. Parshas Mishpatim:[5]

Details of Matan Torah: Hashem told Moshe that he, Aaron, Nadav and Avihu, and the seventy elders of Israel are to prostrate themselves from a distance. Moshe alone is to ascend to G-d, and not anyone else. Moshe told all the words of G-d to the nation and they said “We shall do.”

Building an altar, bringing sacrifices and sprinkling blood: Moshe awoke in the morning and built an altar under the mountain and twelve monuments, corresponding to the 12 tribes. The youth were sent to offer sacrifices on the altar for G-d. Moshe took half the blood and placed it in a bowl, and the other half he threw onto the altar. Moshe then took the Torah and read it to the congregation, and they replied “Everything that Hashem has asked we will do and listen.” Moshe then took the blood and sprinkled it on the nation, and said to them “This is the blood of the covenant that Hashem made with you on all of these words.” [From here the Sages learned that the Jewish people enter the covenant of Matan Torah with Bris Mila, Tevila, and sprinkling of blood.[6]]

F. Parshas Tazria:[7]

The laws of a woman who gives birth to a male child: If a woman gives birth to a male child, she is impure for seven days. On the eighth day the child is to be circumcised. She remains with Demei Tohar [blood of Purity] for 33 day. She may not enter the Mikdash or touch Kodshim during this time.

G. Parshas Nitzavim:[8]

The blessings upon the return from exile: “Hashem will benefit you and make you multiply more than your forefathers. Hashem will circumcise your hearts and the hearts of your descendants, so you can love Him with all your heart and soul.”

H. Sefer Yehoshua:[9]

The Jewish people circumcise themselves: At that time, Hashem instructed Yehoshua to make sharp swords and to circumcise the Jewish people a second time [The first time took place with Moshe who circumcised the parents of the current men being circumcised.[10]]. So, Yehoshua made sharp swords and circumcised the Jewish people in the area that was then named the mound of foreskins.

Why they needed to be circumcised: All the Jewish people who had left Egypt were circumcised, while those who were born in the desert throughout the 40 years of travel were not circumcised [due to fear of danger[11]]. So Yehoshua circumcised them. At the completion of the circumcision of the entire people, the people remained in the camp to heal from the circumcision. Hashem told Yehoshua that “On this day I have removed the shame of Egypt from amongst you.” That area was called Gilgal, and this is the name that it retains until this very day.


[1] Parshas Lech Licha Seventh Aliya

[2] Parshas Vayeira Fourth Aliya

[3] Parshas Shemos sixth Aliya

[4] Parshas Bo sixth Aliya; See Pirkei Derebbe Elieaer 29; Targum Yonason Shemos 12:13

[5] Parshas Mishpatim 7th Aliya; See Rashi Mishpatim 24:6 and Rambam Issurei Biyah 12:1-2

[6] Kerisus 9a; Rashi Mishpatim 24:6

[7] Parshas Tazria 1st Aliya

[8] Parshas Nitzavim 4th Aliya

[9] Sefer Yehoshua Chapter 5

[10] Rashi 5:2

[11] Rashi 5:2

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