From the Rav’s Desk: Shaalos Veteshuvos on Haircuts & More


Is there any issue with getting a haircut in the afternoon? I’m not referring specifically to Erev Shabbos but to any day of the week, as someone told me that you should not get a haircut in the afternoon.



Although some are accustomed due to Kabalistic reasons not to ever get haircuts in the afternoon, practically, one may do so, so long as he has already davened Mincha, or it is at least a half hour prior to the time of Mincha Ketana, or he has a set Minyan or reminder.


Sources: See regarding getting a haircut before Mincha: Michaber 232; Ketzos Hashulchan 26:4-5 See regarding getting a haircut in the afternoon: The Arizal would refrain from cutting his hair after midday, and hence would only take a haircut before midday on Erev Shabbos. [Custom of the Arizal brought in M”A 251:5; Shaar Hamitzvos Parshas Kedoshim; Lechem Min Hashamayim p. 25; Nagid Umitzvah 2:113; Shulchan Aruch Harizal Tosefes Shabbos 11] Based on this some Poskim rule one is to beware to take a haircut prior to midday on Erev Shabbos. [Gr”a brought in Aruch Hashulchan 251:3; Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 128:15; Mateh Efraim 581:50; Mateh Efraim 625:11 “It is a Mitzvah Min Hamuvchar…”; Alef Lamagen 581:108 “Is a Mitzvah Min Hamuvchar”; Kaf Hachaim 260:13; 581:80 [proper to be stringent]] Furthermore, some Poskim rule that this applies even during the week, [All Poskim in coming brackets] as the time of Mincha may pass [M”A ibid; Machatzos Hashekel ibid; Ashel Avraham 568; Minchas Elazar 4:10] or because as the time of the afternoon is a time of Gevuros and the cutting of hair is the removal of Gevuros, and this mystically transgresses Lo Sachson Shur Bedisho. [Lechem Min Hashamayim ibid; Pela Yoeitz Erech Giluach; Ben ish Chaiy Vayakehl 1:11, brought in Igros Kodesh 18:560] Other Poskim, however, rule that there is no issue with an afternoon haircut even on Erev Shabbos, and so is implied to be the opinion of Admur. [Admur 251:4; Aruch Hashulchan 251:3; Alef Lamagen 581:108] See Shevach Habris 1:10 footnote 20

Was Shimshon a Nazir?

Shimshon was only a partial Nazir. While he was prohibited from drinking wine, or cutting the hair of his head, it was permitted for him to defile himself to a corpse.

Source: See Shoftim chapter 13; Rambam Hilchos Nezirus 3:13; Misneh Nazir 4a and Gemara 4b; Yerushalmi Nazir 1:2; ; Shut Maharit 1:4; 2:24

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