From the Ravs Desk: Shaalos & Teshuvos on Wedding Dates

Should one avoid getting married past the 15th day of the month in today’s times?[1]

Although it is recorded in the Poskim[2], and so was the original custom[3], to avoid getting married past the 15th day of the month in most months[4], nonetheless, in today’s times the earlier one gets married the better and hence we do not pay attention to whether or not the wedding date is past the 15th of the month so long as it is an earlier date then the other option.[5]


[1] See Nitei Gavriel Nissuin Vol 1 Chapters 47-48

[2] Rama E.H. 64:3; Michaber Y.D. 179:2; See Nitei Gavriel Nissuin 47:5 footnote 11

[3] See Sefer Haminhagim Chabad p. 76

[4] See Sefer Haminhagim ibid and Shulchan Menachem 6:37

[5] Hiskashrus Vol. 161 p. 18 and 386 p. 18; Nitei Gavriel Nissuin 48:22 footnote 51, Printed in Shulchan Menachem 6:152; See Nitei Gavriel Nissuin 47:5 footnote 11

If one is particular not to get married past the 15th day of the month made a get married on the 30th day of the month which is the first day of Rosh Chodesh?[1]

The 30th day of the month which is the first day of Rosh Chodesh is considered a valid date to get married, even if one is generally particular not to get married past the 30th day of the month.


[1] Igros Kodesh 9:46; 23:147; Nitei Gavriel Nissuin 47:7 footnote 23

May a non-Frum couple who was civilly married have a Kosher wedding during the three weeks?[1]



[1] See Even Pina 2:60; Response of Rebbe in Devar Melech 5752 p. 8, brought in Shulchan Menachem 6:160 “If you would ask a Rav a Pesak Din according to Shulchan Aruch, he would allow and instruct for the wedding to take place even during the three weeks. Kemuvan.”

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