From the Ravs Desk: Shaalos & Teshuvos on Tefillin & More

If one knows that he will not be able to put on Tefillin the entire day, even for a moment, may he put them on in the early morning, prior to Mi Sheyakir?[1]

If one knows he will not be able to put on Tefillin for even one moment that day, as can occur by one who works throughout all the daylight hours, then he may place them on upon awakening, even if it is prior to Alos.[2] He is permitted to recite a blessing upon wearing them at this time if he will be unable to wear them at all after Mi Sheyakir, and throughout the day.[3] Nevertheless, it is best for a Torah scholar not to say a blessing upon wearing it.[4]


[1] Igros Moshe 1:10; Piskeiy Teshuvos 30:1 in name of Poskim; Divrei Efraim in Emek Habracha 2 that so he ruled in times of the Holocaust in the ghettos and camps; Heard from Rabbi Mingal that when he was nine years of age in Auschwitz all the men lined up in middle of the night and put on his father’s Tefillin with a blessing.

[2] The reason: As we rule that Biblically the Mitzvah of Tefillin applies even at night and it is only due to worry of falling asleep that we decree against wearing Tefillin at night. Hence, if one already woke up from his sleep and will not be able to put on the Tefillin at any other time, then one may wear it then as there is no worry that he will fall asleep. [Igros Moshe ibid; Divrei Efraim ibid] We have no proof to say that the Sages decreed against wearing Tefillin at night even if this will uproot the Mitzvah completely. [Divrei Efraim ibid]

[3] Poskim ibid

The reason: As Rabbeinu Peretz rules that a blessing may be said at night by a traveler, and although we do not rule like his opinion, nevertheless perhaps in this case that he will not be able to say a blessing later on all would agree that he can say a blessing at this time. [Igros Moshe ibid]

[4] Igros Moshe ibid

May one go horseback riding during the nine days?

I see no issue with doing so.

Does Techeiles exist today and is one to be scrupulous to use such strings for his Tzitzis?

Techeiles has been extinct for many generations, since the times of the Rabanan Savuraiy which lived after the period of the Amoraim.[1] It was mystically hidden from the Jewish people due to the exile of the Shechina.[2] In the year 1889, the Admur of Radzin [Rav Gershon Henich of Radzin] wrote a Halachic responsa[3] acclaiming to have found the identity of the Techeiles carrying fish and that it once again should be used as part of the Tzitzis strings, as is the Biblical requirement. In light of this discovery, many Jews began using the Techeiles strings and more than 12000 Jews from various countries reinstated this Mitzvah. Practically, although some Poskim[4] defended the reinstation of the Techeiles, majority of Poskim[5] vehemently opposed it, including the Rebbe Rashab[6] and the Rebbe[7] and so is the Chabad custom[8] as well as the custom of majority of Jewry.[9] So is also the ruling according to the Arizal which states that the Mitzvah of Techeiles will only be reinstated when Moshiach comes.[10]


The purpose of Techeiles and its effect even today:[11]

The Techeiles of the Tzitzis represents the level of Makifim, which blind the eyes of the Kelipa and draws fear of Heaven. It is the most powerful form of Makifim. This is because this Makif comes from the level of Malchus and descends to the worlds of Biyah to prevent the nurture of the Kelipos from the G-dliness found in those levels. The spiritual effect of Techeiles assists a person in fulfilling the verse of “Lo Sasuru”, not to stray after one’s heart or eyes.

The ray of the Techeiles in today’s times:[12] Although we have lost the ability to perform the Mitzvah of Techeiles due to the exile, nevertheless the spiritual ray of Techeiles still shines even today.

[1] See Avoda Zara 39a that Techeiles was still on the market in times of the Amoraim

[2] Arizal in Peri Eitz Chaim Shaar Hatzitzis 5, brought in Igros Kodesh [of Rebbe Rashab] 1:158

[3] See his Sefer Eiyn Hatecheiles

[4] See Hisorerus Teshuvah 2:280; Orchos Rabbeinu 1:246 in name of Maharsham

[5] Aruch Hashulchan 9:12; Yeshuos Malko 1-3; Or Layesharim ; Sheilas Shalom 64; Rav Elyashiv in Koveitz Teshuvos 2; Teshuvos Vehanhagos 1:29; 4:5; Or Letziyon 2:44-13

[6] Igros Kodesh [of Rebbe Rashab] 1:158 in response to the authors son [Rav Mordechai Yosef of Radzhin] “I thank you for sending me the Sefer of your father, although regarding the actual matter I cannot consent at all.”

[7] Igros Kodesh 17:232 [printed in Shulchan Menachem 1:45]

[8] “We only have the words of the Rebbe Rashab” [Rebbe ibid]

[9] The reasons: Many reasons are attributed for why one should not wear Techeiles today: 1) Many opinions exist regarding the identity of the true Techeiles carrying fish, and hence one should not enter himself into doubt. The reason for this is because Lechatchila the strings of the Tzitzis are to be of the same color as the garment, and hence if the Techeiles color is incorrect, one is transgressing this opinion. 2) One is not to novelize things in Torah that have been accepted from previous generations. 3) According to Kabala, the Mitzvah of Techeiles is not applicable in times of exile and will only resurface during the times of Moshiach. [Letter of Rebbe Rashab ibid; Mekubalim in next footnote; See Piskeiy Teshuvos 8 footnote 2]

[10] Arizal in Peri Eitz Chaim Shaar Hatzitzis 5; Likkutei Torah Shelach 45; Aruch Hashulchan 8:12

[11] Likkutei Torah Korach “Vayikach Korach” page 104

[12] Birkeiy Yosef 8:4 in name of the Kabbalist Yaakov Tzemach; See letter of Rebbe Rashab ibid; Arizal ibid

Is eating a single fig enough for a Kezayis for an after blessing?

Fresh figs: An average size fresh fig contains 40 grams of weight and is hence enough for an after blessing if eaten in whole within 4 minutes. If the fig is smaller than average, then simply eat more than one fig within four minutes in order to make up the amount necessary for an after blessing.

Dry figs: The average weight of a dried fig is approximately 8 g and hence in order to make up the amount necessary for an after blessing you would need to eat several dry figs within four minutes.

The Chabad custom is to recite the regular Hadran Alach, Aseres Bnei Rav Papa, and then go straight to a regular Kaddish Derabanan.[1]


[1] Reshimos Devarim of Rav Chitrik 4/219; Directive of Rebbe to Rav Binyamon Althouse; Toras Menachem 4/239 that the Rebbe remarked to Rav Meir Ashkenazi who said the long Kaddish “This is a novelty to me, and I have never seen this done beforehand.”; See also Hisvadyus 5745 3/1700

Should one be particular to wear Rabbeinu Tam before Musaf even if it will cause him to miss Davening Musaf with the Minyan?[1]

No. One is to Daven Musaf with the Minyan and only afterwards wear Rabbeinu Tam.[2] However, there are some who are accustomed to wear the Tefillin before Musaf even in such a case.[3] It is disputed amongst Chabad Rabbanim as to how one should follow.[4]


[1] Os Chaim Veshalom 25 footnote 20; Piskeiy Teshuvos 25:27

[2] The reason: As Davening with a Minyan is a very important Mitzvah in which one sanctifies Hashem’s name in public, and one may hence even transgress a negative command of the Torah for this purpose, such as to free a slave. [Admur 90:17; unlike Michaber Yoreh Deah 269:79] And it pushes away buying food for Shabbos which is a definite Mitzvah, either Biblical or at least Rabbinical. [Admur 250:3; Unlike Biur Halacha 250] Now, wearing Tefillin of Rabbeinu Tam is only a Mitzvah of Yirei Shamayim, and practically we rule that it can be worn after Musaf, and hence one is not to make the main Mitzvah of a Minyan be differed in face of a secondary Mitzvah of Rabbeinu Tam. Therefore, those Chassidim that place on Rabbeinu Tam even if it causes them to lose the Minyan are to be protested. [Os Chaim Veshalom ibid] Now, although Chassidim and those who follow Kabala follow a specific order of Davening and do not skip this order even in order to Daven with the Minyan, and likewise we allow Davening in length even if it causes one to miss Davening with the Minyan, nevertheless, this is only because the delay is for the sake of a better quality of the Davening. However here, placing Rabbeinu Tam before Musaf is not to give better quality to Musaf but to give better quality to the Tefillin, and as proved from above a Minyan pushes off all Mitzvos.

[3] See Os Chaim Veshalom ibid

[4] Rav Asher Lemel Hakohen of Beitar rules like the Os Chaim that one must Daven with the Minyan and wear the Tefillin afterwards. However, Harav Eliyahu Landa and Rav Groner said one is to first wear the Tefillin and then Daven later Beyechidus. [verified through personal correspondence]

May one buy non-leather shoes for Tisha B’av during the nine days?[1]

Yes. He may likewise wear the shoes for the first time on Tisha B’av.[2] If, however, one has other non-leather shoes available, it is best not to purchase or wear new ones.

[1] Halachos Ketanos 2:139; Zechor Leavraham 9; Moed Lekol Chaiy 10:18 and 37; Ruach Chaim 551:3; Ben Ish Chaiy Devarim 9; Kaf Hachaim 551:96-97; Igros Moshe 3:80

[2] The reason: As since the entire purpose of the shoe is to commemorate the mourning, it is therefore permitted to be purchased and worn. [ibid]

May one mop his floors during the nine days?[1]

Some[2] write that one is to refrain from mopping the floors during the nine days. One may however wash the floors in an irregular fashion, such as by using less water or not using detergent, and the like. Dirty areas of the floor may be washed as normal.[3] One may mop the floors regularly in honor of Shabbos.[4]

[1] Piskeiy Teshuvos 551:15

[2] Salmas Chaim 4:4-24; Orchos Rabbeinu 2:133 in name of Chazon Ish; This matter is a mere stringency due to the prohibition of laundering. [Moadim Uzmanim 8:338]

[3] Hisorerus Teshuvah 3:30; Yabia Omer 3:31

[4] Beis Avi 2:132

May one shower or bathe for the purpose of being clean for marital intimacy?

Yes, as a) Its for hygienic reasons. b) It is for the sake of a Mitzvah.

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