From the Rav’s Desk: Shaalos and Teshuvos on Tanach and other subjects

Was Yael, the wife of Chever the Kini who killed Sisra, Jewish?

Some write that Yael was not Jewish, and her husband Chever Hakini was a Ger Toshav.[1] Others write that she was Jewish.[2] Some write that she was a convert.[3]

[1] Yaavetz in Migdal Oz Even Bocehin Pina 1:10; See Beir Eliyahu E.H. 86; Ben Yehoyada p. 38, Sanhedrin 11

[2] Implication of Shoftim 5:6 and Rashi and Midrash Raba Rus 1:1 there that Yael was a Judge of the Jewish people; Horiyos 10b that from Yael we learn Gedola Aveira Lishma; Malbim Shoftim 4:17

[3] Yalkut Shimoni Yehoshua Remez 9

It all depends on how long it takes you to play sports and then re-wear the original pair. If there is less than a three hour interval in between, and you hence intended to re-wear the original pair within three hours from its removal, then a new blessing is not to be recited. If, however, there is a more than three hour interval in between, or when you removed the original pair you did not intend to re-wear it within three hours, then a new blessing is to be recited. There is no difference in this regard whether you are married or not, and whether or not you originally recited a blessing over that pair of Tzitzis in the morning.

See here:


If someone tore a check I was given and made it invalid, must they pay me back the money on the check?[1]

It depends. If the amount written on the check is not contested between you and the person who tore it, as well as you have no other way of retrieving the money, such as the issuer of the check cannot give you a new check [i.e. you don’t know who wrote it, or have no way of contacting them], then the person who tore it is responsible for paying you back.[2] If however the amount is contested or you can get the money back from the check issuer, then he is not responsible to pay.


[1] See Michaber and Rama C.M. 386:1; Rambam Chovel Umazik 7:9Bava Kama 98a-b; Encyclopedia Talmudit Erech Gerama Benizikin p. 468

[2] The reason: Although the damage is indirect, this type of indirect damage is defined as Gerami and not Gerama, and the law is that one is liable for damages of Gerami. One of the differences between Gerama and Gerami, is that Gerami is an indirect loss that is caused by an action that is done to the actual item that is damaged, and the damage happens right away as opposed to after some time. [Riy in Tosafus Bava Basra 22b; Rosh Bava Kama ibid; Or Zarua Bava Kama ibid; Mordechai Bava Kama ibid; Ittur Bava Kama ibid]

Rashi on Micha 6:9 on verse “Kol Hashem Lair” [however, see Piskeiy Teshuvos ibid footnote 24 who explains that this is not really from Rashi but from the Sefer Agudas Shmuel]; Elya Raba 122:3; Kitzur Shelah Os Kuf; Siddur Nehora Hashalom; Siddur Rav Naftali Hertz; Yifei Laleiv  Kuntrus Yosher Leivov 122:3; Daas Toprah 122; Kitzur SHU”A 18:15; Likkutei Maharich; Chofetz Chaim Shemiras Halashon 2:7; Kaf Hachaim 122:11; Otzer Hachaim 76; Sefer Haminhagim p.12


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