From the Rav’s Desk – Q&A’s on Yom Tov

Yes. Some are accustomed even initially to already distribute the charity before Yom Tov, and then say in the Nussach “As I have given.”[1]]


[1] Gesher Hachaim 31:2-3; Nitei Gavriel 79:29

In Eretz Yisrael, Yizkor takes place after the recital of Sisu Vesimcha, prior to the recital of Ashreiy.[1]


[1] Luach Kolel Chabad; Hiskashrus 844 for Simchas Torah with explanation in footnote 85-86; Luach Devar Beito that so is Minhag Chabad; New Siddur Tehilas Hashem

Other customs: Many communities in Eretz Yisrael are accustomed to recite Yizkor immediately after the blessings of the Haftorah, prior to reciting Sisu Vesimcha.

As this is an auspicious time for our bad dreams to be transformed into good and blessing.

See Siddur Admur; Admur 130:1; Michaber 130:1; Brachos 55b; Ketzos Hashulchan 23:14

Yes, this is true, however, only from after the Alter Rebbe passed away. During the Alter Rebbe’s lifetime, he did receive Aliyos.

See Beis Rebbe p. 2; Yimei Melech 3 p. 1045; Otzer Minhagei Chabad p. 382

Yes. [1] If one read the wrong portion of the Karban during Musaf, he nevertheless fulfills his obligation.

[1] M”B 488:13 in name of Chayeh Adam; Piskeiy Teshuvos 663:1

From the Rav’s Desk – Q&A’s on Yom Tov

Post Views: 157 May one distribute the charity for Yizkor already before Yom Tov? Yes. Some are accustomed even initially to already distribute the charity before Yom Tov, and then say in the Nussach “As I have given.”[1]] __________________________ [1] Gesher Hachaim 31:2-3; Nitei Gavriel 79:29 What comes first; Yizkor

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From the Ravs Desk: Shaalos Veteshuvos on Yom Kippur

Post Views: 156 Should married women who are impure [menstruating] immerse? Should married women who are impure [menstruating] immerse? It is permitted [and accustomed] for married women to immerse in a Mikveh on Erev Yom Kippur even if they are impure, and within Shiva Nekiyim.[1] Some[2] however write that a

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From the Ravs Desk – Shaalos Veteshuvos on Tefillin

Post Views: 624 Black ink on the bottom surface of the Tefillin – Is it a Chatzitza Question: I gave my tefillin for checking and it came back with a lot of splashed ink on the bottom of the Tefillin? Is it valid? Is this a problem of a Chatzitza?

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