From the Ravs Desk: Latest articles and Q&A [Wednesday 29th Teves 5785]

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Yes, as some Poskim rule one is Yotzei Bedieved and Safek Brachos Lihakel.

Yalkut Yosef 3 p. 121; Yabia Omer 9:98 – 13; Yisa Bracha p. 24; Vezos Habracha p. 207; Birchas Hashem 2:243

Implication of all Poskim ibid who rule that one fulfills his obligation by Hamotzi [being that it is a fruit of the ground, and hence if by bread one fulfills his obligation certainly the same should apply to Mezonos products even if they are cooked. The difference between cooked versus baked Mezonos is only relevant regarding the case that one accidentally said Hamotzi on a Mezonos product, however seemingly has no relevance to the case here and so is likewise implied from the Tzemach Tzedek ibid and Ketzos Hashulchan ibid who write that even on rice and other cooked legumes one fulfills his obligation if he says Hadama]; So rule regarding rice: Taz 208:8; P”M 208 M”Z 8; M”B 208:70; So rule regarding all Mezonos: Yalkut Yosef 3 p. 121; Yabia Omer 9:98 – 13; Yisa Bracha p. 24; Vezos Habracha p. 207; Birchas Hashem 2:243

Other opinions: In some Luchos they write one only fulfills his obligation by bread and by Pas Haba Bekisnin and not by cooked Mezonos. Vetzaruch Iyun Gadol, as stated above! [Luach of Rav Gadasi p. 60 and 66; Luach of Rav Elyashvili in end of Seder Birchas Hanehnin p. 156]




Talmud: Rebbe Simlaiy, a 2nd generation Amora, brought in Makos 23b, Shabbos 87a, Yevamos 47b, 62a, Nedarim 24a, Shavuos 29a

See Ramban on Sefer Hamitzvos Hasagos Shoresh Rishon who while at first suggests that the premises is open to Talmudic debate, he later concludes that he believes that it is a tradition from Moshe from Sinai.

Practically, you must pay on time and may not delay. While you do not transgress Bal Salin by a gentile, you do transgress Biyomo Titen Secharo. There is no difference in this regard between a Jewish or gentile worker.

See Rambam Sechirus 11:1; Rambam Sefer Hamitzvos Asei 200; LS 238; Chinuch Mitzvah 230;  Braisa Bava Metzia 111a; Encyclopedia Tamudit Vol. 3 Erech Bal Salin p. 335

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