From the Ravs Desk: Latest articles and Q&A [Wednesday 1st teves 5785]

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Yes. See below

May one use olive oil that is not fit for eating?[1]

Yes.[2] However, some Poskim[3] rule that it is best to use edible oil, for those who wish to follow the ruling of Mehadrin Min Hamihadrin.[4] Accordingly, it is better [more Mehudar] to use regular olive oil that is fit for consumption during the year [virgin or extra virgin] than to use the olive oil that is marketed as “Shemen Lamaor,” or “olive oil for lighting.”


[1] The difference between the oils: There are five gradations of olive oil, which are based on their level of acidity, and quality of press. Virgin, and extra virgin olive oil have a very small percentage of acidity, and come from the first press. Olive oil that is marketed as “for lighting purposes only” is of very low quality as it is not from the first press, contains a high percentage of acidity, and usually contains chemicals which help in its extraction.

[2] Ben Ish Chaiy Vayeishev 12 “However, if it is inedible due to bitterness, it is permitted.”; Kaf Hachaim 673:11; Piskeiy Teshuvos 673:5 All oils are valid for the Menorah lighting. [Michaber 673:1] The oils do not have to be fit to be eaten. [As proven from the lack of mention made in Shulchan Aruch and similarly that most Poskim agree one may light using Cheilev which is forbidden to eat due to being not Kosher].

[3] Rav Mordechai Eliyahu; Rav Yaakov Yosef; Yalkut Yosef Chanukah p. 117; Rav Elyashiv, brought in Ashrei Ish p. 239

[4] The reason: Some say that inedible oil should not be used for a Mitzvah as it is repulsive, and is similar to the prohibition against using oil that had a rat fall inside. [Rav Mordechai Eliyahu based on Rama Y.D. 104:2] Alternatively, since they add chemicals to the extraction process, therefore it is considered “Panim Chadashos” and is not considered olive oil at all, and is thus no better than any other oil on the market. [Rav Yaakov Yosef] Alternatively, edible oil that was used in the Mikdash, therefore, it should likewise be used for the Chanukah lighting. As well, the better the oil the more one beautifies the Mitzvah.

May I cut on Rosh Chodesh a nail that is bothering me?

Seemingly it is permitted for you to do so.

The reason: As perhaps the danger of Rav Yehuda Hachassid only applies when one cuts all the nails, or cuts it for the purpose of cutting nails and not simply to remove pain. Even on Shabbos we permit one to cut a nail that is causing one pain if it is majority removed in which case it is only a rabbinical prohibition, and hence seemingly it should be permitted without question on Rosh Chodesh, which is not an actual prohibition but simply a matter of danger that some have accepted.

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