From the Ravs Desk: Latest articles and Q&A [Tuesday 28th Teves 5785]

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So is evident from a number of sources, that Moshiach comes from King Menashe, as he will come from the Shalsheles of the kings of David which contains Menashe. [See Divrei Hayamim 3:10-24; Tanchuma Toldos 14; Yalkut Shimoni Zecharia Remez 571 Tzidkas Hatzadik 78] However, most sources simply record that he comes from the seed of Shlomo, without delineating the exact lineage from him. [See Pirush Hamishnayos Rambam Hakdama Perek Chelek; Igeres Teiman  of Rambam; Chikikei Leiv O.C. 19; Margaliyos Hayam Sanhedrin 95b; Likkutei Sichos 25] Furthermore, some sources state that he comes from the descendant of Zerubavel Ben Shaltiel. [Metzudos David Chagai 2:23; Zecharia 4:6] Furthermore, according to the Zohar, he comes from Nasan the son of Dovid and not Shlomo. [Zohar Vayera 110; Shlach 173; See Sefer Hasichos 5749 p. 119; ] Accordingly, some rule that Moshiach can be from any descendent of Dovid. [Chemdas Yosrael 1 Mafteichos and Hosafos 93]

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