From the Ravs Desk: Latest articles and Q&A [Sunday 23rd Adar 5785]

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Recent Q&A

I am a Bal Teshuvah and just recently learned the law regarding performing Keria after the passing of one of the seven relatives. I never did Keria at the time of the death of my parents, should I do so now?

The law is that one is to perform Keria after the passing of a parent even if many years passed by since their death, prior to doing so. Nonetheless, if your parents were not religious then you may be lenient not to do so if you choose. Otherwise, then you should absolutely perform Keria.

Sources: See regarding until when may the Keriah be performed: Michaber 340:18 and 396:1; Tur 340:18; Moed Katan 20b; Perisha 340:27; Gilyon Maharsha 340:18; Chochmas Adam 152:10; Nitei Gavriel 57:9; Yalkut Yosef 340:9; See regarding doing Keria for relatives who were Reshaim: See Rama 340:5 [no Aveilus for Baal Aveiros]; Shach 340:8 [even Liteiavon]; Pischeiy Teshuvah 340:4 [only if Lehachis]; Nitei Gavriel 53:2

Did the rebbe ever state that every girl should spend one year in a seminary after high school?

I am unaware of any such statement of the Rebbe, and while I am aware of the existence of such rumors, they have yet to be substantiated. No such directive is recorded in the various compilations of the Rebbes teachings on Chinuch and seminary, and no such directive is known to the veteran seminary directors that I have spoken with. I am definitely not aware of any letter in Igros Kodesh of the sort. This of course does not come to negate the documented position of the Rebbe in promoting the seminary education Institute, and its great value. This however does not tantamount to a directive from the Rebbe for every girl to spend a year in seminary after high school, and the matter is dependent on different factors on the ground, including, whether the girl is already prepared for marriage, or she wishes to pursue a degree which is not available in seminary, or if she wants to go on Shlichus, or if there are other mitigating factors known to the daughter and parents. If anyone is aware of a documented directive to the contrary, then we kindly request that it be sent to us, so it can be properly analyzed and publicized.

See Shaar Hachinuch, El Nishei Ubenos Yisrael, Hiskashrus 486

Chassidus Articles

The great Segula of reading Parshas Amaleik:[1]

The spiritual failing known as Timtum Haleiv which manifests as clogging of the heart can be caused by sins or by the Kelipa of Amaleik. When caused by the Kelipa of Amaleik it is known as Kashyus Haleiv, hardness of the heart, versus simply a clogging of the heart. The only way to remove this is through complete nullification and by reading the Parsha of Amaleik.

[1] Sefer Mamarim 5572 page 162

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