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Chapter 15: Effort and battle with evil is necessary to be considered one who serves G-d
(LY) 29th Teves
- Difference between an Oveid Elokim, Tzadik, and one who is not:
- There is a verse in Scripture which states that “you will see the difference between a Tzadik and a Rasha between one who serves G-d and one who does not.” Based on the clarifications brought in the previous chapters this matter can now be understood.
- An Oveid Elokim-A Beinoni: A person who is defined as an Oveid Elokim is a person who is still in the midst of toiling to serve G-d. This means that he is still in the midst of his battle with his evil inclination and is attempting to overcome it and banish it from the body so that it not be invested in any of the limbs of the body. This in truth is a very great battle and toil to be in a constant fight with the evil inclination and successfully overpower it. This indeed is the service of a Beinoni.
- Tzadik is called Eved Elokim as he has already completed the battle: The above is in contrast with a Tzadik who is called by Scripture a “servant of G-d.” The Tzadik receives the title of a servant, similar to a wise man receiving the title of a sage or the head of a monarchy receiving his title as a king, as the Tzadik has already earned this title and is no longer in the midst of reaching for it. The Tzadik has already completed all of his battles with the evil to the point that he has banished it completely from his body, and it has been vanquished from his heart.
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