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(LY) 27th Shevat
- Asei Tov-Actively serving G-d through fulfilling the commands as a result of the inner love:
- Above we stated that certainly if one is even able to give up his life for G-d then one is able to control his lusts, to conquer his inclination in the aspect of not doing evil. Below we will explain how this likewise applies towards the performance of positive commands and how likewise this is very easily attainable for a person to fulfill.
- Overcoming laziness: One can use the above hidden love to help him strengthen himself like a lion with bravery and courage to fight the evil inclination which weighs itself down of the body and impresses laziness upon it. This laziness derives from the element of earth that is found in the animal soul.
- Laziness in Torah study: The laziness prevents the body from placing effort and energy in the various toils involved in the service of G-d, such as the assiduous study of Torah and studying it in its proper depth, and verbalizing it in one’s mouth constantly so that his mouth does not stop for one moment from learning. Regarding Torah study the sages state that a person should always dedicate himself to Torah study similar to an ox who has a yoke on his neck and a donkey who is carrying a load on its back. [Hence, we see that proper Torah study involves much toil and effort of the mind and body, and the laziness of the body attempts to prevent one from doing so.]
- Laziness in prayer: The same applies regarding prayer, that the laziness of the body attempts to prevent the person from praying with proper concentration and with literally all of his energy.
- Stinginess in charity: Likewise, those matters of service of G-d involving money, such as the giving of charity, the laziness of the body tries to prevent the person from doing so on a level that is much more than his natural tendency of giving.
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