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Chapter 23: The unity of G-d with His Mitzvos & the unity achieved with Mitzvah performance
(LY) 18th Shevat
- The Mitzvahs are G-d’s inner will which enlivens the worlds:
- G-d is one with His Torah and Mitzvahs: Based on all that was explained in the previous chapters, we can more clearly and deeply understand what it says in the Zohar that the Torah and G-d are one and united, and that the 248 commands are the limbs of the king, of G-d.
- The Mitzvahs are G-d’s inner will which enlivens the worlds: The Mitzvahs are the inner will of G-d and His true desire. It is this inner will for the Mitzvahs that is invested within all the upper and lower worlds to give them life.
- The world’s energy is dependent on our Mitzvahs: This is expressed in the fact that all of the Divine energy which is received by the worlds is dependent on the performance of the Mitzvahs by those living below, as is well known.
2. The Mitzvahs are considered the limbs of G-d:
- Mitzvos garb the inner will of Hashem like a limb enclothes the soul: It is thus found that the performance of the commands is the inner garment for the inner will of G-d, as it is the actions of the Mitzvahs which draw down the Divine light and energy to then be invested within the worlds to enliven them.
- The Mitzvahs are the limbs of the king: It is for this reason, that the Mitzvahs are called limbs of the king. Just as the limbs of the body of a human garb and enclothes the soul, which is inside it, so too, the Mitzvahs garb and enclothe within them the inner will of G-d.
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