Post Views: 641

(LY) 9th Adar 2
- The purpose of the Torah is to enable physical creation to receive G-d’s infinite light:
- It is for this purpose that G-d gave the Jewish people the Torah which is called strength and power, as the Torah gives man the power and capability of being able to receive the reward of the future era, which is to bask in the revelation of G-d’s infinite light, without then becoming nullified in their existence [as would occur in the upper world if this revelation were to take place.]
- No more garments: In the future, G-d’s infinite light will be revealed without any garments of concealment and nonetheless creations will be able to withstand this light due to the Torah which gives them the strength to do so, and they will thus experience seeing G-d eye to eye.
- The purpose of creation, to reveal G-d’s infinite light, will be realized after the resurrection:
- It is known that the purpose of the world’s creation will be realized in the times of the Messiah, particularly after the time of the resurrection.
- Why the purpose of creation will be realized after the resurrection: The reason for this is because specifically at this time the infinite light of G-d will be revealed to creations without any garments of concealment, and the creations will be able to withstand this level of revelation. This is the entire purpose and ultimate fulfillment of the world’s creation to begin with, to have G-d’s infinite light dwell within the lower realms, [and have these realms remain in their lower state without extinction].
- Gloss-The time period for receiving reward:
- The purpose of creation will be realized in the times of the Messiah after the resurrection, as stated above. However, this is different than the reward that will be given to the creations for their service in bringing about the realization of G-d’s will of having a dwelling place below. Rather, the time period for the reward of creations will be later on in the seventh millennium.
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