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Chapter 35: The life purpose of the Beinoni-Drawing the Shechina onto himself
(LY) 4th Adar 2
1. The theme and questions of this chapter:
- Meaning of Lasoso: What does the word “Lasoso” in the verse [“and it is very close onto you… To do”] mean? This will be further elucidated in this chapter.
- The purpose of the Beinoni: What is the purpose of the creation of the Beinoni, and what is the purpose of the descent of their soul below into the animal soul and side of evil?
2. A Beinoni will have a lifetime struggle with evil:
- Will always have forbidden thoughts enter the head: The main difficulty expressed in the question above regarding the life purpose of the Beinoni is that they will never be successful in completely banishing the evil that is within their left side of the heart, and will forever be troubled by [forbidden] thoughts that enter their mind.
- The essence of evil doesn’t change: The reason for this is because the essence of the animal soul which comes from the side of evil retains its full strength in the Beinoni just like it was when it was first born.
- Control of the garments: It is only the garments of the animal soul that the Beinoni is able to control, and limit the expression of the evil that is contained within him.
- The question: Accordingly, the above question is rightly raised, as to what is the purpose of the descent of their soul below to battle their entire lives with the evil inclination if they will never be successful in their battle to conquer and destroy the evil. It is as if they were sent into battle for nothing G-d forbid, without any possibility of gaining any ground in overcoming their inclination, as they will be in battle with their inclination for their entire lives. [Why would G-d do this?]
3. Comfort for the Beinoni:
- The following message can comfort the Beinoni in a double measure and can help rejoice their hearts in their recognition that G-d dwells within them, during their times of Torah learning and service of G-d.
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