Post Views: 528

(LY) 18th Adar 1
- Acknowledging the difficulty of the challenge: Indeed, we must recognize that the above individual has an extremely tough challenge to overcome his inclination which is flaming like a huge fire, in the face of his fear of G-d, and this is considered an actual Nissayon.
3. Asking oneself if he too is serving G-d on the level of the challenge of the lowlife:
- Every individual according to his level in service of G-d must ask himself and discern as to whether he too is serving G-d on the same level of intense battle and challenge as the individual above.
4. How much effort does one place in his Asei Tov?
- His battle during prayer: For example, in the realm of doing good, is he pushing himself to the extreme to pray with concentration and pour his heart before G-d with literally all of the strength of the soul to the point that he squeezes out all the energy of his soul? Is he battling with his body and animal soul, which is trying to prevent him from concentrating, in a great and intense battle [to the same level as the lowlife individual who must overcome his passions and lusts]? Is he on each day crushing his animal soul and body like dust before his daily prayers of morning and evening? Is he also waging this battle during the prayer itself to exert himself to the utmost of his soul and body for the sake of concentrating?
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