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- Eily intervenes: As Channah was increasing in supplication before G-d, Eily was watching her [waiting for her to finish[1]]. Channah was speaking in her thoughts, to her heart, and although her lips moved, her voice could not be heard. Eily thus mistook her for a drunkard. Eily turned to her and said: Until when will you be drunk? Remove your wine from yourself [and become sober].
- Channah replies to Eily: Channah replied to Eily that he is incorrect in his judgment, as she is not drunk, and has not drunk any wine or alcohol. However, she is a woman of tormented spirit who is pouring out her soul before G-d. She said to Eily: Do not consider your maidservant as the daughter of a renegade man [who gets drunk and makes a scene in the holiest of places], as I have spoken out of anger and frustration.
- The reply of Eily: Eily replied to Channah that she should go in peace and the G-d of Israel will grant her the request that she asked from Him. Channah replied by asking Eily [to pray on her behalf[2] and] that she may find favor in his eyes.
1. Channah returns home and conceives, and her son Shmuel is born:
- Channah went on her way [towards home[3]] and she ate and drank like normal and her face was not saddened any longer. They awakened in the morning and prostrated before G-d and then returned to their home in the area of Rama.
- Channah conceives: Elkanah was intimate with his wife Channah and Channah became pregnant after G-d remembered her.
- Shmuel is born: After a [diminished] period of pregnancy [i.e. 6 months and two days[4]] Channah gave birth to a son which she named Shmuel, taken from the words “Ki MeiHashem Shialtiv/As I have asked him from G-d.”
2. Bringing Shmuel to the house of G-d in Shilo, to Eily the Kohen:
- Shmuel remains home until he is weaned: Elkana and his entire household went back up to Shilo to bring offerings to G-d and to fulfill his vow [of offerings that he would annually bring[5], and vow to bring between the festivals]. Channah his wife did not go up with him at this point. She said to her husband, she does not want to go up until the child is weaned, and then she will bring him to see the face of G-d and he will not return forever [for 50 years[6]]. Elkana, her husband, said to her that she may do what is good in her eyes, and that she may remain until he is weaned, and G-d will fulfill his word. So, she remained and nursed her son until he was weaned.
- The pilgrimage to Shiloh with Shmuel: She brought her son Shmuel up with her to the house of G-d in Shilo after he was weaned. She brought with her three cows, one Eipha of flower [as a Mincha offering], and a jug of wine [for Nesachim] to the House of G-d in Shilo. At this time, the child was a young boy [having just been weaned at the age of 24 months[7]]. They slaughtered the cow and brought the child to Eily.
- Bringing Shmuel to Eily: Channah said: Please my master, by the life of your soul my master [accept the boy as your student[8]], as I am the woman who stood before you to pray before G-d. I prayed for this child and G-d has granted me my wish which I asked from Him. And I have also handed him over to G-d, and lent him to G-d [on condition that he’d be returned unharmed[9]].
- They [Shmuel or Elkanah[10]] prostrated themselves there before G-d.
[1] Rashi 1:12
[2] Rashi 1:18
[3] Radak 1:18
[4] Rashi 1:20
[5] See Rashi 1:21 and Radak 1:21
[6] See Rashi 1:22
[7] See Radak 1:24
[8] Rashi 1:26
[9] Rashi 1:28
[10] Rashi 1:28
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