Chapter 5: Elisha cures Naaman of leprosy
- Who was Naaman? Naaman was the general of the king of Aram. He was a prominent man before the king and was well respected, as through him Hashem had given victory to Aram [over the king of Israel, as it was his accidental arrow which killed Achav[1]]. The man was a great warrior, and he was a Metzora [and thus due to his illness he was not able to go to war despite his warrior status[2]].
- The Jewish captive taken as a maidservant: Units of Arameans bandits [numbering 100-200 men[3]] went out [to plunder Jewish cities] and captured from the land of Israel a young girl, who became a maidservant to Naaman’s wife.
- The suggestion to cure Naaman of his leprosy through a prophet: The captured girl suggested to her mistress [the wife of Naaman] to seek a cure for her husband’s Tzaras from the prophet [Elisha] who is in the Shomron, as he would surely cure him of his Tzaras.
- A letter is sent to the king of Israel asking him to cure Naaman: Naaman came and told his master [the king of Aram[4]] of the suggestion that he was given by his wife’s Jewish maidservant to ask the prophet of Israel to cure him. The king of Aram agreed with the suggestion and gave Naaman permission to go visit the prophet to seek a cure for his illness. The king of Aram also wrote a letter addressed to the king of Israel [asking him to instruct the prophet of Israel to cure his general Naaman].
- Naaman brings with him a gift for the prophet: Naaman went [to travel towards the prophet] and he took with him ten talents of silver and six thousand gold pieces, and ten suits of clothing.
- The response of the king of Israel: The letter from the king of Aram arrived by the king of Israel, stating as follows: “When this letter arrives, be aware that I have sent Naaman my servant to you, in order so you cure him of his Tzaras.” When the king of Israel read the letter, he tore his garments [due to fear[5]] and said, “Do I have power from G-d to put people to death and to bring people to life? Why is this king sending me to cure a man of his Tzaras? Certainly, he is looking for a pretext to agitate a war against me.” [The king in his great wickedness did not believe in the power of Hashem and the power of his prophet.]
- Elisha offers to cure Naaman: When Elisha the prophet of G-d heard that the king of Israel had torn his garments, he sent a message to the king, asking him as to why he tore his garments, and that he should send Naaman to him to be cured in order so everyone know that there is a prophet in Israel.
[1] Rashi 5:1
[2] Metzudos Dovid 5:1
[3] Rashi 5:2
[4] Rashi 5:4
[5] Metzudos Dovid 5:7
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