Daily Tanach Tuesday Shmuel 2 Chapter 23: Dovid’s last song and list of warriors

* The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer

1.      The last song of Dovid:


·         The following are the last words of Dovid. “Says Dovid the son of Yishaiy and says the man who was appointed as king and aristocrat by the G-d of Jacob and says the man who sings pleasant melodies for Israel. The spirit of G-d speaks through me, and his words are on my tongue. G-d instructed me that I shall be a leader over the Jewish people, and I will be a righteous and G-d-fearing ruler over the nation. G-d promised me that my power will spread like the morning sunrise and will shine greater than the sun shines after rainfall. My house will never darken as I keep the word of G-d and guard his Torah, and therefore no other king will reign after my monarchy. However, the wicked men will not last. like the weeds of the field. Man will not route them out with his hands and will need to wear a shield of iron to uproot them. However, G-d will burn them away.

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