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Chapter 16: Shimshon marries Delila, and is captured and dies
1. Shimshon breaks through the doors of Aza and escapes capture:
- The prostitute of Aza: Shimshon traveled to Aza. He saw a harlot there and slept with her.
- The ambush: The residents of Aza were told that Shimshon was in their midst and attempted to trap him. They discussed a strategy of how to kill him that entire night by the gates of the city, and set up an ambush there. They were quiet the entire night, planning to capture and kill him in the morning.
- Shimshon breaks through the gates: Shimshon slept that night until midnight. At midnight he got up and went towards the exit of the city. Upon discovering that it was locked, he took hold of the doorposts of the gate together with its lock and tore it off its foundations. He carried it to the summit of the mountain which was near Chevron.
2. Shimshon marries Delila and a plot is formed to capture him:
- After the above event, Shimshon fell in love with a woman who lived in Nachal Shorek, whose name was Delila.
- The Philistines convince Delila to become an informant: The leaders of the Philistines met with Delila and asked her to seduce Shimshon to giving up the secret behind his strength, so they could figure out a way to overcome him and capture him and torture him. In exchange they offered her 1,100 silver coins from each individual.
3. Delila attempts to get Shimshon to confide in her the secret behind his strength:
- The first attempt: Delila asked Shimshon to tell her in what his strength lies, and how he could be bound and tortured.
- Shimshon tells Delila false information and the ambush fails: Shimshon replied to Delila that if she tied him in seven moist ropes then he will lose his strength and become like any other person. So, the leaders of the Philistines provided Delila with seven moist ropes and she tied him in them. The Philistines were waiting in ambush in the room, and Delila told Shimshon that the Philistines have come after him. Shimshon ripped off the ropes as a wick tears with fire, and they thus did not discover his strength.
- The second attempt: Delila told Shimshon that he had fooled her and told her lies about the secret of his strength. She pleaded with him that he now tell her in what his strength lies, and how he could be bound.
- Shimshon again tells Delila false information and the ambush fails: Shimshon replied to Delila that if she tied him in new thick ropes which never had work done with them, then he will lose his strength and become like any other person. So, Delila took seven thick ropes and she tied him in them. She then told Shimshon that the Philistines are coming after him, and the ambush was sitting in the room in wait. Shimshon ripped off the ropes as if it were a string.
- The third attempt: Delila told Shimshon that until now he has fooled her and told her lies about the secret of his strength. She pleaded with him that he now tell her in what his strength lies, and how he could be bound.
- Shimshon again tells Delila false information and the ambush fails: Shimshon replied to Delila that if she tied his seven locks of hair with a weaving rod [then he will lose his strength and become like any other person]. So, Delila [did so and then] took a peg and hammered the wooden board [which held his hair, into the ground]. She then said to Shimshon [during his sleep] that the Philistines are coming after him. Shimshon woke up and removed the peg and weaving board.
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