Daily Tanach Thursday Shmuel 2 Chapter 24: Counting the Jewish people

* The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer

Chapter 24: Counting the Jewish people


1.      The counting of the Jewish people:

  • Hashem instructs Dovid to count the Jewish people: G-d continued to be angry with the Jewish people, and He instructed Dovid telling him to go count the Jewish people.
  • Dovid instructs Yoav to count the Jewish people and he pushes back: So, Dovid instructed Yoav his general to travel amongst all the Jewish people, throughout all the tribes, from Dan until Bear Sheva, and go count the nation so I know their number. Yoav replied to the king saying, “May Hashem your G-d add to the nation more and more and increase their population double and triple to its size, up to 100 times, and may the king see this happen in his days. Now, my master, why do you desire me to do this [it is better to leave the Jewish people uncounted, is a blessing only resides on something that is hidden from the eye[1]]?” However, Dovid would have nothing of it and continued to pressure Yoav and the other generals to go count the Jewish people.
  • The counting takes place: So, Yoav and the generals of the Army left the king’s presence to go count the Jewish people. They crossed the Jordan and encamped by Aroer which was to the right of the city [and from there they began the census count] by the tribe of Gad, near the river, and from there they went to the city of Yazor. They traveled to Gilad and to the land of Tachti’im, [which was a new settlement with very few inhabitants[2]]. They arrived to Ya’an, which was a city in the land of Dan, and from there they traveled to Tzidon. They arrived at the mountain city of Tzur, and to all the lands of the Hivites and Cananites. They then traveled towards the south, to the city of Beer Sheva which is found in the land of Judah. They traveled throughout the entire land and arrived after nine months and 20 days back to Jerusalem.
  • The census: Yoav gave the census numbers to the king, and the total numbers of the Jewish population at that time was, 800,000 foot soldiers harnessed with swords, and 500,000 men of Judah.

[1] Metzudos Dovid 24:3

[2] Rashi 24:5

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