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Chapter 21: The Levites receive cities
1. The Levites approach Yehoshua and Elazar Hakohen:
- The Levites approached Yehoshua Ben Nun and Elazar Hakohen, as well as the tribal leaders, in the city of Shiloh and said to them that Moshe had promised them that they would receive cities for the settlement of their tribe, and fields for their cattle.
- So, the Jewish people acquiesced and divided cities for the Levites.
- The cities were divided amongst the Levite families based on lottery.
2. The cities given to Kehos:
- The Kohanim: The Kohanim, descendants of Aaron, from within the family of Kehos, received based on the lottery, cities within the portion of Yehuda, Shimon and Binyamin. They received a total of 13 cities. They were the first to receive based on the lottery. They received the city of Chevron, which was an Ir Miklat. The fields of Chevron went to Kalev. They received the city of Beit Shemesh.
- Remaining family of Kehos: The remainder of the family of Kehos received cities within the portion of Ephraim, Dan and half of Menasheh. They received a total of 10 cities. Included in their portion was the city of Shechem, which was an Ir Miklat, and Beis Choron.
3. The cities given to Gershon:
- The Gershon family received based on the lottery, cities within the portion of Yissachar, Asher and Naftali, and half of Menasheh. They received a total of 13 cities. Included in their portion was the city of Golan, which was an Ir Miklat, and the city of Kedesh, which was an Ir Miklat.
4. The cities given to Merari:
- The Merari family received based on the lottery, cities within the portion of Reuvein, Gad, and Zevulun, and half of Menasheh. They received a total of 12 cities. Included in their portion was the city of Betzer, which was an Ir Miklat, and the city of Ramos which was an Ir Miklat.
- The Levites received a total of 48 cities.
5. The inheritance of the land of Israel is complete:
- Hashem inherited the land to Israel, that he promised to their forefathers, and they dwelled there peacefully. None of their enemies managed to fight them. Hashem fulfilled all that He had promised.
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