Daily Tanach Sunday Sefer Melachim 1 – Chapter 8: The inauguration of the Temple

* The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer

Chapter 8:  The inauguration of the Temple


1.      Bringing the ark of G-d to the temple:

  • The gathering for the ceremony: After the building of the temple, King Shlomo gathered all of the elders of Israel and all of the leaders of the tribes to Jerusalem for the purpose of escorting the ark of G-d in the city of David, which is Zion, [to the new temple that he built].
  • The date: All the people of Israel gathered by King Shlomo in the seventh month which is the month of Tishreiy.
  • The ark is carried: All the elders of Israel arrived and the priests carried the ark. The Kohanim and Levites carried the Aron of Hashem [from the city of David until the temple of King Shlomo].
  • The Ohel of Moshe and its vessels: Likewise, the Ohel Moed [of Moshe[1]] and all the vessels that were in the Ohel Moed [of Moshe] were carried by them [and stored in a special designated area].
  • The ceremony of offerings: King Shlomo and all the Jewish people who had gathered by him in front of the ark slaughtered sheep and cattle. There were so many offerings brought that it was uncountable.
  • The positioning of the ark: The Aron of Hashem was brought to its set place, inside the holy of holies, under the wings of the cherubim [that King Shlomo had built which stood on their legs, and is independent of the cherubim that were on the actual ark cover[2]]. The wings of the Cherubim were spread over the ark, completely hovering over it and its poles, [as it spread from wall-to-wall in the holy of holies[3]].
  • The poles of the Aron: The poles of the Aron were so long that they protruded out into the Paroches [appearing similar to the two nipples of a woman[4]]. They, however, were not seen from the outside, and have not been removed from there until this very day. [This means that they were never removed from the Aron and were hidden together with it in the days of Yoshiyahu the king.[5]]
  • The items contained within the Aron: The only items contained within the Aron were the two Luchos which were made of stone, and were placed into there by Moshe while he was by Mount Chorev at the time that G-d made a covenant with the Jewish people when they left Egypt [i.e. Matan Torah].


2.      The Shechinah resides on the temple:

  • After the priests left the holy of holies a cloud [of G-d] came and filled the house of G-d [i.e. the Heichal[6]]. The priests were unable to perform the temple service due to this presence of G-d that filled the house of G-d.
  • The reaction of King Shlomo to the appearance of G-d’s presence in the temple: When Shlomo saw the divine presence resting on the temple that he built he proclaimed, “G-d has stated that He will dwell in a thick cloud. I have built a house of dwelling for You, a place which will be an everlasting location for Your presence.”

[1] Rashi 8:4

[2] Rashi 8:6

[3] Rashi 8:7

[4] Rashi 8:8

[5] See Radak and Metzudos Dovid 8:8

[6] Rashi 8:10

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