Daily Tanach Sunday Sefer Melachim 1 – Chapter 5: Shlomo’s monarchy and building of the Temple

* The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer

Chapter 5: Shlomo’s monarchy and building of the Temple


1.      King Shlomo’s kingdom and daily meals consistencies:

  • Shlomo ruled over all the kingdoms.
  • The king receives tributes and servants from the nations: From the river of [the Euphrates until[1]] the land of the Philistines, until the border of Egypt, the kingdoms [feared his reign and therefore[2]] would give tributes and presents to the king and they served Shlomo for all the days of his life.
  • The consistency of his meals: One days’ worth of the meals of Shlomo [i.e. the king’s table which would support many visitors and guests[3]] consisted of 30 Kor [i.e. 900 Seah[4], which is equivalent to 7,500 kilo] of fine flour and 60 Kur of regular flour [1,800 Seah, which is equivalent to 15,000 kilo]. The livestock for the meal consisted of 10 fattened oxen and 20 oxen which were taken from grazing the land, and 100 sheep. This is aside for the livestock that was taken from the rams, dear, Yachmor [Dama], and the fattened Barburim [i.e. fattened chickens[5]].
  • His reign: Shlomo ruled over all the land that was past the river, from Tifsach until Gaza, and throughout all the kingdoms that were across the river [and was brought the above livestock which was not found in his region as a tribute from the various nations[6]].


2.      The state of the Jewish people during Shlomo’s reign:

  • The people of Judah and the people of Israel lived in security, each man under his vineyard and under his fig tree, from the land of Dan until the land of Be’er Sheva throughout all the days of Shlomo.


3.      King Shlomo’s horses and chariots, and the foods he was provided with:

  • The number of horses: Shlomo had 40,000 horse feeding troughs on behalf of the horses of his chariot, and he had 12,000 chariots. I.e. his heart was able to hold the understanding and comprehension of a multitude of wisdom’s
  • The Kings meals: The above-mentioned governors would all provide sustenance for King Shlomo’s table and for all of his relatives and individuals who ate on the king’s table. Each governor provided sustenance on behalf of his month without lacking any foods or dishes [even if they were out of season[7]].
  • The horse food: The barley and straw was brought to the horses and other animals called Rachesh. These foods were brought to the area that the horses were found. Each governor provided the above in his corresponding month.

[1] See Radak and Metzudos Dovid 5:1

[2] Radak 5:1

[3] See Metzudos Dovid 5:2

[4] See Meam Loez 5:2

[5] Rashi 5:3

[6] Radak it

[7] See Rashi 5:7

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