- Naaman arrives by Elisha: Naaman traveled with his horses and with his chariots and arrived at the doorway of Elisha’s house.
- Elisha instructs Naaman to immerse in the Jordon River: Elisha [did not leave his house to greet Naaman and rather] sent a messenger to Naaman to instruct Naaman to go and immerse himself seven times in the Jordan River as through doing so his flesh will be restored and he will become cured from his leprosy.
- Naaman is incensed at the suggestion and leaves: Naaman became incensed at the fact that Elisha did not personally come out to greet him, and over the suggestion that a simple immersion in the Jordan River will cure him of his leprosy. He left the home of Elisha in anger saying, “I thought that Elisha would at least personally come out to see me, and would stand in prayer to Hashem his G-d to help cure me, and that he would raise his hand toward the area of my leprosy and cure it. The rivers of Amanah and Parpar, which are the rivers of Damascus, are better than all the waters of Israel, and thus why should I immerse myself in the Jordan River and I will rather immerse in them and become cured.” And so, he turned and went away in anger.
- The servants convince Naaman to listen: The servants of Naaman approached him and attempted to calm him down telling him that even if the prophet would have told him to do something very difficult to cure himself, he surly would do so, and hence now that the prophet is asking him to do something so simple, to immerse himself in the river, why would he not do so? [Naaman listened to the advice of the servants and decided to heed the instructions of the prophet.]
- Naaman immerses in the Jordon River and becomes cured: Naaman went down to the Jordan River and immersed himself there seven times, as he was instructed by the prophet, and his flesh was restored like the flesh of a young lad, and he became cured of his leprosy.
- Naaman praises G-d and offers a gift to Elisha who refuses to accept it: Naaman and his entire entourage returned to Elisha, and he stood before him and exclaimed, “Behold, now I know that there is no G-d in all the earth except in Israel.” Naaman then offered the gift that he brought with him to Elisha. However, Elisha refused to accept the gift even after Naaman continued to urge him to accept it, and Elisha swore in the name of G-d that he will not accept it [being that it contained monies from idolatry[1]]. Naaman replied to Elisha saying, “Give me a load of earth which will be carried by a team of mules [back to my country of Aram, as I plan on using the holy earth of Israel for building an altar for G-d[2]] as I, your servant, will no longer offer sacrifices to other deities, but rather only to Hashem. Now, please pray to G-d to forgive me for when I will be forced to join my master the king of Aram by the idolatry of Beth-Rimmon and I will be forced to prostrate myself there together with him, as he will be leaning on me when he prostrates which will cause me to prostrate with him. May Hashem forgive your servant for doing so, [as I have no choice in the matter].”
- Naaman departs: Elisha told Naaman that he should go travel in peace, and so Naaman began his travels and was a certain distance away from him [until he was chased down by Geichazi, as will be explained next].
[1] Rashi 5:16
[2] Rashi 5:17
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