Chapter 21: The famine and reburial of Shaul and his descendants
1. The famine in the times of Dovid:
- In the days of Dovid there was a famine for three years.
- G-d reveals to Dovid the reason behind the famine: After a year of famine, Dovid sought to ask G-d [through the Urim Vetumim[1]] as to the reason behind the famine, and G-d answered him that it is due to the fact that King Shaul [was not properly eulogized and was buried in a hurry[2]], and is likewise due to the fact that [King Saul] murdered [the city of Nov of Kohanim[3]], and due to the fact that he murdered [seven members[4] of] the Givonim.
2. Dovid offers reconciliation to the Givonim, for having been murdered by King Shaul:
- After Dovid heard from G-d the reason behind the famine, he called to the Givonim, to try to make amends with them [and convince them to forgive the household of Shaul[5]].
- Who were the Givonim: The Givonim were not from the tribes of Israel but rather from the Amorite nations. The Jewish people [in the times of Yehoshua[6]] had made a pact with them, and King Saul had desired to smite at them, and annihilate them, in order to purify the Jewish people and the house of Judah.
- Dovid asks as to how they can be appeased: Dovid asked the Givonim, “What can I do for you and in what way can I atone [for the sin of King Saul] in order so you pray for the inheritance of G-d.”
- The Givonim ask for seven descendants of Saul to be killed: The Givonim replied that they are not interested in the gold and silver of the house of Shaul, and that they do not request to take the lives of any other member of Israel [but they do request to take the lives of the household of Shaul]. [Dovid tried appeasing each member of the Givonim individually, offering them silver and gold, but they refused to be appeased with money and rather desired the blood of Shaul’s family to be spilled.[7]] The king thus reluctantly agreed to give in to whatever they would request, and they therefore told the king, “The man who annihilated us and who desired to destroy us and banish us from within the borders of Israel [i.e. Shaul] hand over to us seven of his descendants and we will hang them in front of G-d [i.e. for the sake of heaven to show everyone the punishment for murder]. We will hang them in the Valley of Shaul who was the chosen one of G-d.” Dovid acquiesced and said that he will fulfill their request and give them seven descendants from the children of Shaul.
[1] Metzudos Dovid 21:1
[2] Rashi 21:1; Yevamos 78b
[3] Rashi 21:1
[4] Rashi 21:1
[5] Rashi 20:2
[6] Rashi 20:2
[7] Rashi 21:4
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