Daily Tanach Monday Sefer Melachim 2 Chapter 1 Part 3: The death of Achaziyahu and his successor

* The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer
  1. The death of Achaziyahu and his successor:
  • Achaziyahu died [from his illness] as Eliyahu had prophesized in the name of Hashem.
  • His successor Yehoram: Yehoram [the brother of Achaziyahu[1]] reigned in his stead, as Achaziyahu did not leave any sons.
  • Yehoram’s year of reign: Yehoram reigned in the [19th year of king Yehoshafat of Yehuda[2], which was supposed to be considered the] second year of reign of Yehoram the son of Yehoshaphat, the king of Yehuda. [Both the king of Israel and Yehuda were named Yehorom. Yehoshaphat, the father of Yehorom, was destined to die in his 18th year and have his son Yehorom take over. However, Hashem gave him an extra seven years to reign and live, as result of his prayers to Him. Thus, the verse considers it as if it were to be the 2nd year of reign of his son Yehorom.[3]]
  • The legacy of Achaziyahu: The legacy and deeds of Achaziyahu are written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel.


[1] Rashi and Metzudos Dovid 11:17

[2] Rashi and Radak 11:17; Tosefta Sotah 12:2

[3] Rashi and Radak 11:17; Tosefta Sotah 12:2

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