Daily Tanach Monday Sefer Melachim 1 Chapter 19: Eliyahu flees to Mount Chorev

* The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer

1.      Hashem commands Eliyahu to travel to Damascus and anoint new kings and prophets who will take revenge against Israel:

  • Hashem then instructed Eliyahu: “Go and return to the desert of Damascus. I want you to anoint Hazael to be king over Aram. I want you to anoint Yehu, the son of Nimshi, to be king over Israel. I want you to anoint Elisha, the son of Shafat from Avel Mecholah to be prophet in your stead [being that you consistently speak bad of my nation I no longer desire you as a prophet[1]].” Now, those [Jews whom you seek revenge against, many will be killed by Hazael[2], and those] who escape the sword of Hazael, will be killed by Yehu [as he would eventually kill all the family of Achav and all the worshipers of Baal], and those who escape the sword of Yehu, will be killed by Elisha. I will let seven thousand men remain within Israel, who are those who did not kneel to the Baal and who did not kiss him.”


2.      Elisha is appointed as a prophet:

  • Elisha is found plowing: Eliyahu traveled [from Mt. Chorev], and he found Elisha, the son of Shafat, as he was plowing. There were twelve [cows with] yokes before him and he was behind the twelfth yoke. Eliyahu went over to him and threw his mantle over him [which was a sign that he would become a prophet[3]].
  • Elisha leaves with Eliyahu and becomes his servant: Elisha left the oxen and ran after Eliyahu and said: “Let me, please, take leave and kiss my father and my mother, and I will then follow after you.” Eliyahu, however, responded that he should not go with him. In the end, Elisha returned back home, and he took the yoke of the oxen and slaughtered them, and with the vessels of the oxen he cooked the meat for them, and he gave the meat to the people [in celebration[4]]. Elisha then rose and followed Eliyahu and became his servant.

[1] Rashi 19:16

[2] See Metzudos Dovid 19:17

[3] Metzudos Dovid 19:19

[4] Rashi 19:21

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