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- The plague: Hashem did as He warned, and He brought a heavy mixture of wild animals to Pharaoh’s home and the home of his servants, and they caused destruction throughout the entire land
- Pharaoh’s reaction and the ensuing negotiations: Pharaoh summoned Moshe and Aaron and told them that they may make sacrifices to their G-d in Egypt. Moshe replied that they cannot do so, as it is an abomination in Egypt to slaughter to G-d, and the Egyptians will stone us for doing so. We need to travel a three-day journey, so we can slaughter for our G-d as He will instruct us. Pharaoh replied that he will agree to send them so they could sacrifice to their Lord in the desert, so long as Moshe does not go far and he prays for him. Moshe replied that as soon as he leaves, he will pray to Hashem on his behalf to remove the wild animals tomorrow, although Pharaoh may no longer retract his word and refuse to let the people go to sacrifice to Hashem.
- Moshe prays: Moshe left his audience with Pharaoh and Davened to Hashem. Hashem did as Moshe asked for and he removed the wild animals from Pharaoh and his nation, not one remained.
- Pharaoh refuses to let them go: Pharaoh hardened his heart this time as well and refused to let the people go.
- The animal plague [Dever]:
- Hashem’s instructions to Moshe to warn Pharaoh and perform the plague: Hashem told Moshe to go to Pharaoh and tell him that Hashem, the G-d of the Hebrews, demands that he let His people go so they can serve Him, and if you refuse to send them, He will send a heavy disease against your animals that are in the field. This includes the horses, donkeys, camels, cattle, and flock. It will be a very severe epidemic. Hashem will distinguish between the livestock of the Jewish people and that of the Egyptians, and not one Jewish owned animal will die. Hashem set an appointed time, saying that the plague will come the next day.
- The plague: The next day Hashem did as He warned, and all the animals of the Egyptians died while amongst the Jewish people not even one died.
- Pharaoh refuses to let them go: Pharaoh sent messengers to confirm that indeed no animals died amongst the Jewish people, although nevertheless his heart became hardened and he refused to let the people go.
- The plague of boils [Shechin]:
- Hashem’s instructions to Moshe to perform the plague: Hashem told Moshe and Aaron to take a handful of soot, and Moshe should throw it upwards towards the heavens, in the presence of Pharaoh. The soot will spread over all of Egypt and turn into boils and blisters on the people and animals.
- The plague: They took the soot, and in the presence of Pharaoh, Moshe threw it towards the heavens and sure enough it turned into boils and blisters on the skin of man and animals.
- Egyptian sorcerers: The sorcerers could not stand in front of Moshe due to the boils.
- Pharaoh refuses to let them go: Hashem hardened the heart of Pharaoh and he refused to let the people go, as Hashem predicted.
- The plague of hail [Barad]:
- Hashem’s instructions to Moshe to warn Pharaoh: Hashem told Moshe to awaken early in the morning and stand before Pharaoh and tell him that Hashem the G-d of the Hebrews demands that he let His people go so they can serve Him, and if you refuse to send them, this time He will send against you all of his plagues so you know that there is none like Me in Egypt. If I wanted, I could have already wiped you and your nation off the face of the earth. However, I spared you, so you can witness my powers and so My name be declared throughout the world.
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