How to Kasher a dairy vessel that became Treif due to absorption of meat, or vice a versa? Question: I accidentally used a clean meat baking pan to bake dairy pizza in my dairy oven. Is it possible for me to kosher my baking pan with Hagala or must it […]
From the Rav’s Desk – Q&A’s on Davening and more
Forgot Mashiv Haruach and remembered right away Question: [Monday, 15th Mar Cheshvan, 5781] If one forgot to say Mashiv Haruach Umorid Hageshem, and remembered at the end of the blessing prior to saying Hashem’s name. Should he go back and say it, should he say it then, or she just continue? […]
From the Rav’s Desk – Q&A’s on Immersing Bein Hashmashos
May a woman immerse in the Mikveh during Bein Hashmashos of her 7th day in a time of need, such as to catch a flight and the like? May a woman immerse in the Mikveh during Bein Hashmashos of her 7th day in a time of need, such as to […]
From the Rav’s Desk – Q&A’s on Yom Tov
May one distribute the charity for Yizkor already before Yom Tov? Yes. Some are accustomed even initially to already distribute the charity before Yom Tov, and then say in the Nussach “As I have given.”[1]] __________________________ [1] Gesher Hachaim 31:2-3; Nitei Gavriel 79:29 What comes first; Yizkor or the prayer […]
From the Ravs Desk: Shaalos Veteshuvos on Sukkah and other subjects
Repeating blessing over food when going back to Sukkah after entering saferoom due to a siren Repeating blessing over food when going back to Sukkah after entering saferoom due to a siren:[1] In the event that one needed to leave the Sukkah and enter a safe room [i.e. bomb shelter] […]
From the Ravs Desk: Shaalos Veteshuvos on Yom Kippur
Should married women who are impure [menstruating] immerse? Should married women who are impure [menstruating] immerse? It is permitted [and accustomed] for married women to immerse in a Mikveh on Erev Yom Kippur even if they are impure, and within Shiva Nekiyim.[1] Some[2] however write that a woman who is […]
From the Ravs Desk: Shaalos Veteshuvos on Rosh Hashyanah
Cutting nails on the day before Yom Tov Question: Am I allowed to cut nails on the day before Erev Yom Tov or does this at the same status as Thursday on which we don’t cut nails because it will grow back on the third day which is Shabbos, and […]
From the Ravs Desk – Shaalos Veteshuvos on Rosh Hashana foods that are avoided
Should one avoid eating almonds on Rosh Hashanah? Yes. Although the almond is not a true botanical nut, nonetheless, the widespread custom is to avoid eating it. Sources: Piskeiy Teshuvos 583 footnote 37 that so is the custom in many communities to avoid all nuts [pistachio, peanuts, almonds] and not just […]
From the Ravs Desk – Shaalos Veteshuvos on Tefillin
Black ink on the bottom surface of the Tefillin – Is it a Chatzitza Question: I gave my tefillin for checking and it came back with a lot of splashed ink on the bottom of the Tefillin? Is it valid? Is this a problem of a Chatzitza? Answer: If […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Shaalos Veteshuvos on Geirus
The minimum education required by Converts Question: I am a little confused regarding what a future convert is required to study in Judaism in order to be accepted as a convert. On the one hand, I understand that they have to go through a years long course of study and […]