Daily Tanya Thursday, 2nd Teves: Chapter 4-How the Jew is completely bound to G-d when learning Torah and doing Mitzvos

Buy Now-The Daily Tanya Summary Vol. 1 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Sign up for Daily link via Whatsapp Sponsor an Episode (LY) 2nd Teves 3.       The descent of the Torah below is like water: The Torah is compared to water. The reason for this is because just as water travels downwards […]

Daily Tanya Monday, 28th Kisleiv: Chapter 3: Arousing love and fear of G-d using Intellectual contemplation

Buy Now-The Daily Tanya Summary Vol. 1 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Sign up for Daily link via Whatsapp Sponsor an Episode (LY) 28th Kisleiv 3.       How to arouse the emotion of fear of G-d using Intellectual contemplation [i.e. Chabad]: When the intellect in the rational soul deeply contemplates and immerses itself […]