Standing for Kaddish

Standing for Kaddish and Barchu:[1] Some Poskim[2] rule it is not necessary [for the listeners] to stand during the recital of Kaddish and Barchu. Other Poskim[3] rule one is required to stand upon answering Kaddish or any Davar Shebekedusha [i.e. a matter that requires a Minyan].[4] Practically, it is proper […]

Aliyah of Kol Hanearim

Kol Hanearim:[1] It is a worldly custom that on Simchas Torah all the male children receive an Aliyah to the Torah.[2] This Aliyah is customarily known as Kol Hanearim.[3] It is customary to spread a Tallis over the heads of the children during this Aliyah.[4] It is likewise customary to […]

Crying on Shabbos

May one cry on Shabbos? One who receives pleasure from crying, may cry on Shabbos.[1] Thus, one may cry out of feelings of yearning and Dveikus for Hashem, such as occurs by those who Daven with concentration.[2] Furthermore, if one is saddened by a certain matter, and by crying over […]

The Blessing said upon seeing a cemetery

Saying the blessing of Yatzar Eschem Badin:[1] One who has not visited a cemetery [in thirty days] is to recite the following blessing upon seeing it: ברוך אתה יי אלקינו מלך העולם אשר יצר אתכם בדין וזן אתכם בדין וכלכל אתכם בדין והמית אתכם בדין ויודע מספר כלכם והוא עתיד […]

How often is Birchas Reiyah recited

How often may Birchas Hareiyah be recited?[1] All the blessings that are said over the sight of an item [i.e. Birchas Hareiyah] are not to be repeated if one re-saw the same item within thirty days of the previous sighting and subsequent blessing. [Thus, if one saw the Great-Sea on […]