Erotic Thoughts

Erotic thoughts:[1] One who dons Tefillin must beware not to entertain erotic thoughts of women.[2] [This applies even to one’s own wife.[3]] If he is unable to wear Tefillin without such thoughts then it is better for him not to put them on at all.[4] However this only applies if […]

Crack in Tefillin

If the Tefillin is cracked at its bottom, as is common to occur between the lower and higher Titurah which have been sewed, is it Kosher?[1] Yes, so long as the stitches have not been torn and the Tefillin maintain their square shape the Tefillin remain Kosher.   [1] Zichron […]

Smoking in Tefillin

  May one smoke cigarettes while wearing Tefillin?[1] One is to avoid smoking cigarettes while wearing Tefillin in public due to it being belittling to the Tefillin. In private however one may be lenient. As well if one feels he needs to smoke in order to clear his mind for […]

Eating in Tefillin

May one eat, drink, and say Lechaim, while wearing Tefillin?[1] A meal: One who enters [while wearing Tefillin] to eat a set meal [i.e. bread] is required to remove his Tefillin.[2] He is to leave them on the table so they are available to him after the meal is complete, […]

Tefillin on Chol Hamoed

Chol Hamoed:[1] The dispute: It is disputed amongst the Rishonim and Poskim as to whether one is to put on Tefillin on Chol Hamoed. Some Poskim[2] rule that Chol Hamoed is not a time of Tefillin [similar to Shabbos and Yom Tov, and it is hence forbidden to wear Tefillin […]

Tefillin on Shabbos and Yom Tov

Shabbos and Yom Tov:[1] Shabbos and Yom Tov are not a time for Tefillin and one is thus not required to wear Tefillin on Shabbos or Yom Tov.[2] Furthermore, it is even forbidden to wear Tefillin one these days for the sake of the Mitzvah. One who dons Tefillin on […]

Tefillin after early Maariv

If one Davened Maariv early may he still put on Tefillin?[1] One who forgot and did not put on Tefillin throughout the day and only remembered after Davening an early daytime Maariv [i.e. past Plag Hamincha but before night], it is disputed as to whether he is still allowed to […]

Tefillin past sunset

  Until when during the day may one put on Tefillin?[1] One is not to don Tefillin after Shekiah/sunset.[2] [See Q&A!]   Q&A If one did not put on Tefillin the entire day, may he do so after sunset, before Tzeis Hakochavim? Yes.[3] However one is to put the Tefillin […]