Storage rooms:[1] Storage rooms of wine, oil, straw, or woods are all obligated to have a Mezuzah on their doorposts.[2] However those storage rooms in which a woman [or man[3]] undress in, such as to take a shower, are not to have a Mezuzah.[4] [1] 186/1-2 Other opinions: The Rambam […]
Barn and Chicken coop
Barn/Chicken coop:[1] A barn and chicken coop require a Mezuzah to be placed on the doorpost of their entrance.[2] However the Mezuzah must be covered in such areas.[3] [1] 286/1 [2] Michaber ibid The reason: As a) People enter and leave through it; and b) The areas are not […]
Entrance gates:[1] The entrance gates of houses, courtyards, cities and countries [which are surrounded by mountains, or fences or walls, and thus the only exit from the country is through the entrance gate[2]] are all obligated to have a Mezuzah placed on their door posts[3], if there are no non-Jewish […]
Bathroom, Bathhouse, Mikveh
Bathroom/Mikvah/Skin processing plant:[1] A bathroom or Mikveh is exempt from having a Mezuzah being that they were not made for an honorable form of dwelling.[2] Thus they should not have a Mezuzah placed on their doors even if the Mezuzah will be covered.[3] Does the lounge of a […]
Shul and Beis Midrash
A Synagogue/A Beis Midrash: There is a difference in law between a Shul, which is the sanctuary of prayer, and a Beis Midrash, which is the learning hall. A sanctuary which also serves as a learning hall, as is common in most Shuls today, follows the same law as a […]
Gentile roommates
A home/room that contains a gentile:[1] If one of the occupants of a home or room is a non-Jew, such as a home or room that is jointly owned or rented by a Jew and non-Jew, it is exempt from having a Mezuzah.[2] [Some[3] however conclude that one is to […]
A roofless structure
A roofless structure:[1] A house which does not have a roof is exempt from having a Mezuzah.[2] If it is partially roofed, then if the roof is by the area of the opening to the room, and the roof is a space of at least 4 by 4 Amos, […]
House/Room less than 4×4 Amos
A house/room smaller than 4 [6 feet] by 4 Amos [6 feet]:[1] A. An actual house/building: A house[2] that is smaller than 4 by 4 Amos [6 feet/1.9 meters by 6 feet/1.9 meters][3] is exempt from having a Mezuzah. If the house is 362 feet but lacks 4 Amos […]
Houses/Rooms of joint ownership
A home that has a joint ownership:[1] It makes no difference how many Jewish partners there are in the ownership or rent of the home, either way it is obligated to have a Mezuzah.[2] However if one of the owners or renters is a non-Jew, then it is exempt […]
Women wearing Tefillin
Women:[1] Women are exempt from wearing Tefillin.[2] Furthermore, they are to be protested against doing so.[3] ______________________________________________________________________________ [1] 38/3; Michaber 38/3; Mishneh Brachos 20 Male slaves: Male slaves follow the same law as women and are exempt from Tefillin. [Admur ibid] [2] The reason: As Tefillin is a time dependent […]