Holding a Mezuzah as Segula

May one hold on to a Mezuzah as a Segulah for protection?[1] Yes. The Rebbe Rayatz was accustomed to have a Mezuzah on his desk.[2]   May one give a Mezuzah to a gentile as a Segulah for protection?[3] Yes. [1] Yerushalmi Peah 1/1; Tosefes Yom Tov on Keilim 17/15; […]

Many rooms to a home

  Many rooms in one home:[1] All the rooms in a home are obligated to have a Mezuzah.[2] Thus placing the Mezuzah only on the front door, as is the renowned custom in these provinces, does not suffice, and they have no Halachic authority to rely upon.[3] Therefore every G-d […]

Many doors to a home

  Many openings to a home:[1] If a home has many openings to the outside or to the courtyard, and the openings were built for the household members to use to enter and exit into the home, then they are all obligated to have a Mezuzah placed on them. This […]

The Mitzvah; Its Importance & Reward

  1. The Mitzvah:[1] It is a positive commandment to write the paragraphs of “Shema” and “Vehaya Im Shamaoa”[2] and to then place it on the doorpost.   2. Its importance:[3] One must be very careful to fulfill this command. [The reason for this is because the Mezuzah contains everyone’s […]

A Domed entrance

A domed entrance:[1] An entrance that has two doorposts with a dome shaped lintel over it, requires a Mezuzah if the doorposts are both at least a height of ten Tefach. This length is measured from the ground until the point that the doorposts begin to curve.[2] If the doorpost […]

Room with two adjacent openings

A room with two adjacent openings: A. An opening behind the door:[1] If behind the door there is another opening [such as to its right or left], then if it has a support beam of one Tefach wide [8 cm], then both openings are obligated to have a Mezuzah. [See […]

Height and Width of Doorpost

  Height of doorposts:[1] Each of the two doorposts must reach a height of at least ten Tefach to be considered a Halachic doorpost which requires a Mezuzah.   Width of the doorway-Must the entrance of the doorway contain a minimum width of opening? Some Poskim[2] rule the doorway does […]