The Parchment

  1. Which part of the animals skin to use as parchment:[1] Initially it is Mitzvah to write the Mezuzah on the Duchsutis[2]  part of the animal’s skin. However Bedieved if it was written on the Klaf[3] or on the Gevil[4] it remains Kosher.[5] Today’s Klaf is kosher according to […]

Renting or borrowing a home

  Renting/Borrowing a house that does not have a Mezuzah:[1] A. Outside of Eretz Yisrael: When renting or borrowing[2] a home outside of Eretz Yisrael, one is not obligated to place a Mezuzah on it for the first thirty days that he lives there.[3] Chabad custom:[4] The current Chabad Custom[5], […]

Touching the parchment of a Mezuzah

  Must one wash his hands prior to touching a Mezuzah?[1] Some Poskim[2] rule that one may not touch the parchment of a Megillah or Mezuzah unless one washes his hands prior to doing so[3], or holds onto it using a cloth. Others[4] however rule that there is no prohibition […]

Covering a Mezuzah

  Covering the Mezuzah-Mezuzah Cases: This Halacha tackles three different subjects associated with covering a Mezuzah. 1) The need to cover a Mezuzah in certain areas of filth and immodesty. [Halacha A] 2) The custom leave the name Shakaiy of the Mezuzah visible to the outside, in areas that a […]

Borrowing a Mezuzah

Does one fulfill his obligation with a borrowed Mezuzah? Yes.[1] However some Poskim[2] question this matter. [1] Minchas Chinuch 23; Har Tzevi Yore Deah 238; Mikdash Meat 285/4 The reason: As the Torah does not say Lachem by the Mezuzah. [2] Daas Kedoshim 289; See Admur 38/11 and M”A 38/15 […]

Kissing the Mezuzah

  Touching the Mezuzah upon leaving and entering ones home:[1] There are opinions[2] which hold that when a person leaves his home, he should place his hand[3] on the Mezuzah and say “Hashem Yishmor Tzeisi Uvoi Meyata Viad Olam[4]”. Similarly one should place his hand on the Mezuzah upon entering […]