If a mikveh is not available

If a Mikveh is not available:[1] Introduction: The immersion in a Kosher Mikveh accomplishes two matters. It purifies a person from the Keri impurity and it adds extra purity to the soul, cleansing it in a form of Teshuvah [i.e. Tosefes Taharah].[2] According to many Poskim[3] these two aspects and […]

Sparks of Kabala

  Sparks of Kabala The Kavanos while immersing in a Mikveh:[1] One is to immerse eight times in the Mikveh, each time with a different Kavana. The first time one immerses he is to intend that he is immersing in a Mikveh Taharah which is the Gematria of 151 which […]

Immersing on Erev RH

Immersing in a Mikveh on Erev Rosh Hashanah:[1] It is a customary to immerse in a Mikvah on Erev Rosh Hashanah in order to purify oneself from the state of Keri.[2] [Today the custom is to immerse even if one is pure of Keri as purity of the body brings […]

Barchu of Birchas Hatorah

Barchu of Birchas Hatorah: One is to recite Barchu prior to beginning the blessings over the Torah.[1] The saying of Barchu serves as an introduction towards the blessing of “Asher Bachar Banu”, and is part of the blessing over the Torah that was instituted to be recited by the Oleh.[2] […]

The prayer of Keil Erech Apayim

Keil Erech Apayim: The prayer of Keil Erech Apayim is recited on Mondays and Thursdays prior to taking out the Sefer Torah.[1] Fast day: Some[2] are accustomed to recite Keil Erech Apayim prior to Kerias Hatorah on fast days, even if it does not fall on Monday or Thursday. Some[3] […]