Are the listeners obligated to stand for Birchas Kohanim? From the letter of the law it is not necessary for the listeners to stand when the Kohanim recite Nesias Kapayim.[1] Nevertheless, the widespread custom is for everyone to stand during recital.[2] If one is sick or weak and has […]
Power of Tachanun-Saying Ledavid Eilacha Hashem Nafshi Esa in Tachanun
Saying Ledavid Eilacha Hashem Nafshi Esa:[1] Based on Kaballah[2] one is to recite the Psalm of “Ledavid Eilecha Hashem Nafshi Esa” [Psalm 25] during Tachanun. [This Psalm is the main prayer of Tachanun, and it was authored for this purpose.[3]] Nevertheless, since one who recites this Psalm [during Tachanun] without […]
Using a Tallis or Tefillin straps to cover the face during Tachanun
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy Here or on Using a Tallis or Tefillin straps to cover the face during Tachanun:[1] The custom is to cover the face with a garment upon reciting Tachanun.[2] It does not suffice to cover one’s face using his bare arm.[3] […]
Said Kaddish instead of Tachanun
What is a Minyan to do if the Chazan accidently recited Kaddish after Shemoneh Esrei on a day that Tachanun is recited? In the event that the Chazan began to recite Kaddish immediately after Shemoneh Esrei, instead of reciting Tachanun, some Poskim[1] rule that Tachanun is nevertheless to be recited […]
Tachanun on day of wedding
Listen here to audio shiur Is Tachanun recited if there is a Chasan in Shul who is getting married that day?[1] It is customary not to recite Tachanun in the presence of a Chasan[2] on the day that he enters the Chuppah.[3] Tachanun is omitted for the entire day, during […]
Omitting Tachanun on day of miracle
Not to say Tachanun:[1] It is customary not to say Tachanun on the day which one celebrates the miracle that took place. [For this reason Tachanun is not recited on Yud Tes-Chaf Kisleiv.[2]] [1] Lev Chaim 150; Kaf Hachaim 218/9; Tzitzis Eliezer 10/10 [2] See Ketzos Hashulchan 24 footnote 30 […]
Barchu at the end of Davening
Listen here to Shiur Saying Barchu at the end of Davening? Letter of the law:[1] One may recite Barchu at the end of Davening for the sake of people who did not yet hear Barchu that day.[2] Certainly, if one did not yet hear Barchu he may say Barchu on […]
Davening Mincha & Maariv within Plag Hamincha
May one Daven Mincha and Maariv within Plag Hamincha on Erev Shabbos or during the week? It is forbidden to Daven both Mincha and Maariv on a single day within the period of Plag Hamincha.[1] [Some Poskim[2] however are lenient to allow a congregation to Daven both prayers one after […]
Men immersing in Mikveh with a filter
Men immersing in a Mikveh with a filter:[1] 1. The issues involved: The use of a filter in a men’s Mikveh touches on a number of Halachic issues: Is it considered Zochlin?[2] Is the water considered Sheuvim and hence carry a number of issues connected with Sheuvim?[3] Does Zochlin […]
General Q&A
General Q&A Is Zochlin[1] invalid for a man’s Mikveh? Many Poskim[2] rule that a Mikveh which is Zochlin is invalid for purification of the state of Keri.[3] Others[4] however rule that it is valid for purification from the state of Keri. May a man immerse in a Mikveh […]