Confessing and then requesting livelihood:[1] It is proper [based on Kabala] for one to confess [his personal sins[2]] in Shomeia Tefila using a singular wording [i.e. Chatasi, Avisi, Pashati[3]] and then request [money for] his sustenance. This applies even if one is wealthy [and does not need money, nevertheless he […]
Forgot to say Mashiv Haruach Umorid Hageshem
If one forgot to say Mashiv Haruach:[1] Nusach Arizal/Sefarad-Said Morid Hatal:[2] One who [Davens Nusach Arizal or Sefarad, and] during the rainy season [accidently] mentioned Morid Hatal [as is normally said in the summer months] instead of Morid Hageshem, does not need to repeat [the blessing, or Shemoneh Esrei].[3] Remembered […]
Forgot to say Visein Tal Umatar
Forgot to say Vesein Tal Umatar:[1] One who forgot to say Vesein Tal Umatar during the period that it is to be said, which is in Eretz Yisrael between the 7th of Marcheshven and Pesach, and in the Diaspora between the 5th/6th of December and Pesach, the following is […]
Lifting the eyes during Kedusha
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy here Lifting the eyes during Kedusha:[1] It is customary to lift one’s eyes upwards [towards heaven] upon saying the words Kadosh Kadosh Kadosh[2] [during Kedusha of Chazaras Hashatz].[3] It is proper for the eyes to be closed while they are raised.[4] […]
Chazan accidentally skipped Kedusha
What is the Chazan to do if he accidently skipped Kedusha and said the blessing of Ata Kadosh?[1] Did not yet say Hashem’s name in the blessing of Hakeil Hakadosh: If the Chazan did not yet say Hashem’s name in the concluding blessing in Ata Kadosh, he is to go […]
Understanding the blessing of Birchas Shema
Is Birchas Shema viewed as an independent blessing or as preceding blessing said prior to the Mitzvah of Kerias Shema?[1] This matter is disputed in Poskim. Some Poskim[2] rule that it is a preceding blessing to the Mitzvah of Shema, just as any other blessing that precedes a Mitzvah or […]
Answering Amen to Ahavas Olam
Answering Amen to Ahavas Olam:[1] Some Poskim[2] rule that after the [Chazan’s or individual’s[3]] completion of the blessing of Habocher Beam Yisrael Beahava, the congregation [whether they are holding in Birchas Shema or directly prior to Shema[4]] is not to answer Amen.[5] Other Poskim[6] rule that the congregation [that has […]
Finishing the blessing of Habocher Beamo Yisrael Behava quietly
Finishing the blessing of Habocher Beamo Yisrael Behava quietly:[1] The Chazan [and the individual[2]] is to conclude the blessing of Ahavas Olam silently.[3] [The Chazan is to say aloud the words Baruch Ata Hashem and then conclude the remaining words in silent.[4]] [1] Sefer Haminhagim p. 25 [English] Ruling of […]
Finishing the blessing of Oheiv Amo Yisrael quietly
Finishing the blessing of Oheiv Amo Yisrael quietly:[1] The Chazan [and the individual[2]] is to conclude the blessing of Oheiv Amo Yisarel silently.[3] [The Chazan is to say aloud the words Baruch Ata Hashem and then conclude the remaining words in silent.[4]] [1] Sefer Haminhagim p. 48 [English] Ruling of […]
Saying Yihiyu Leratzon at the end of Chazaras Hashatz
Saying Yihiyu Leratzon at the end of Chazaras Hashatz:[1] Some Poskim[2] rule the Chazan is not required to recite the verse of Yehiyu Lertatzon at the conclusion of his repetition.[3] Other Poskim[4] however rule the Chazan is required to recite the verse of Yehiyu Lertatzon at the conclusion of his […]