Davening Vasikin

  Saying Shema prior to sunrise:[1] When Davening in a Vaasikin/Neitz Minyan:[2] The initial time for Davening Shemoneh Esrei is by sunrise. It is a Mitzvah Min Hamuvchar to read the Shema slightly prior to sunrise, intending to complete the Shema and its last blessing of Goal Yisrael with sunrise. […]

Kaddish Derabanan after Baruch Sheamar

May Kaddish Derabanan of before Hodu be recited after Baruch Sheamar? Some Poskim[1] rule it may be recited, even if both the Minyan and the person reciting it is already after Baruch Sheamar. Other Poskim[2] however rule it may not be recited after the Minyan has reached Baruch Sheamar, even […]