May one pray for a person who has a terminal and painful illness, to pass away?[1] Although one is to pray for a person to be healed even if “a sword is resting on his neck”, and the situation seems hopeless[2], nevertheless, if a person is suffering much pain and […]
Davening Vasikin
Saying Shema prior to sunrise:[1] When Davening in a Vaasikin/Neitz Minyan:[2] The initial time for Davening Shemoneh Esrei is by sunrise. It is a Mitzvah Min Hamuvchar to read the Shema slightly prior to sunrise, intending to complete the Shema and its last blessing of Goal Yisrael with sunrise. […]
Joining a Minyan from a different area
Joining a Minyan from a different area:[1] Answering Kaddish and Kedusha from a different area than the Minyan:[2] Once there is Minyan of ten Jews in one area that are saying Kaddish or Kedusha, anyone who hears their voices can[3] answer with them. This applies even if one is in […]
The greatness and obligation of answering Amen
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Obligation to answer Amen: A. The greatness and the obligation:[1] See Yesod Veshoresh Havoda 5:6 [page 110 in file] It is an obligation to answer Amen towards the blessing said by a Jew.[2] This applies even if the person who hears the […]
Obligation to answer Amen, Kaddish, Kedusha if one is not participating in the Minyan
Must one answer Amen, and answer to Kaddish and Kedusha of a Minyan that he is not participating in? Not in same room as Minyan: If one is not in the same room as the Minyan and hears Kaddish or Kedusha, some Poskim[1] rule that although he is allowed to […]
Speaking/Hefsek during Davening for the sake of Davening
Speaking/Hefsek for the sake of Davening: The subject of speaking [i.e. Hefsek/interval] during Davening carries many laws and details, regarding the cases in which it is permitted to be done. It is beyond the scope of this article to summarize all these detailed laws, and its focus is solely on […]
Asking someone to join the Minyan
May one ask someone if he can join the Davening in order so they have a Minyan?[1] Yes. [1] Peri Hasadeh 2/15; Hisorerus Teshuvah 4/4 Bookmark
Announcing the page in the Siddur during Davening
May one announce the page number for the congregants of the Minyan?[1] Yes. [1] Igros Moshe 1/22 Bookmark
Kaddish Derabanan after Baruch Sheamar
May Kaddish Derabanan of before Hodu be recited after Baruch Sheamar? Some Poskim[1] rule it may be recited, even if both the Minyan and the person reciting it is already after Baruch Sheamar. Other Poskim[2] however rule it may not be recited after the Minyan has reached Baruch Sheamar, even […]
Saying Kaddish in middle of Davening
May one say Kaddish Yasom in the midst of Davening: If one who generally says Kaddish is still in the midst of Davening [such as due to coming late, or due to Davening in length] and the congregation has reached the saying of Kaddish Yasom or Kaddish Derabanan, the question […]