How to pray by the gravesite: At the grave of a Tzaddik one is to pray to Hashem to answer his prayers in the merit of the Tzaddikim.[1] Likewise one may ask the Tzaddik to intervene on one’s behalf and pray to G-d for the matters which he needs.[2] Some […]
Giving charity:[1] One is to distribute charity at the gravesite [prior to Davening there[2]]. [1] Rama ibid; Igros Kodesh 24/363 [2] Rashal; Shlah 213; Mateh Moshe 789; Kneses Hagedola 581/10; M”A 581/17; Elya Raba 581/39; M”B 581/27; Kaf Hachaim 581/97 Bookmark
The Blessing to say
Saying the blessing of Yatzar Eschem Badin:[1] One who is has not visited a cemetery [in thirty days] is to recite the following blessing upon seeing it. ברוך אתה יי אלקינו מלך העולם אשר יצר אתכם בדין וזן אתכם בדין וכלכל אתכם בדין והמית אתכם בדין ויודע מספר כלכם והוא […]
Immersing in a Mikveh:[1] One who is impure due to nocturnal emission [Keri], or any release of seed, may not visit a cemetery until he immerses in a Mikveh.[2] [Many are particular to never visit a cemetery prior to immersing in a Mikveh even if they are not impure due […]
Eating and drinking prior to visiting a gravesite
Eating and drinking prior to the visit:[1] Some Poskim[2] rule one is not to eat or drink anything prior to visiting the gravesite of a Tzadik or of a relative. [Thus, starting from Alos of that day, until after the visitation, one is to fast.] Others[3] rule one is to […]
Visiting gravesite Erev RH
Visiting the gravesite of Tzaddikim on Erev Rosh Hashanah:[1] It is customary of some communities to visit the gravesite [of a Tzaddik[2]] on Erev Rosh Hashanah [after Shacharis[3]] and increase in supplication while there.[4] [The Chabad custom is to visit the gravesite of the Rabbeim on Erev Rosh Hashanah.[5] Those […]
What to do with the Shemita Esrog
What is one to do with the Kedushas Sheviis Esrog after Sukkos? One must guard the Esrog and may not discard it until it has spoiled and is no longer edibile. Esrog Jam: It is permitted to make Esrog jam with an Esrog of Kedushas Sheviis.[1] Besamim: It is unclear […]
14. Biur-Until when may one eat the Shemita Produce?
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy now on 14. Biur-Until when may one eat the Shemita Produce?[1] Each Shemita produce that has Kedushas Shevi’is may only be eaten during its season, which is defined as so long as the species of fruit is still on the tree. […]
13. Teruma and Maaser
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy now on 13. Teruma and Maaser: Shemita produce is exempt from Terumos and Maasros.[1] However, this applies only towards produce that is legally declared Hefker by its owners. However, those products that do not have a Hefker status require separation of […]
12. Bringing produce to the Diaspora
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy now on 12. Bringing produce to the Diaspora:[1] It is [Rabbinically[2]] forbidden to bring Shemita produce outside of Eretz Yisrael.[3] Q&A If one took Shemita produce outside of Eretz Yisrael, may the food be eaten?[4] Yes. May one who is […]