The prohibition against hitting one’s parents:[1] One who [as an adult[2]] hits his father or mother during their lifetime ]transgresses a Biblical negative command[3] and] is liable for the death penalty of strangulation. This applies whether to a son or a daughter. [This applies for both a Tumtum and Androgynous.[4]] […]
Non-conventional medicine:
Non-conventional medicine: There are various forms of non-conventional medicine or treatments available today.[1] Some people come to the use of alternative medicine out of despair due to lack of solutions from medical science for their ailments, or due to a disregard of medical science, placing greater belief in nature and […]
Mentioning the name of foreign deities-Christianity/Islam
Not to mention the name of idols and foreign deities: Giving it a derogatory name:[1] One is required to help eradicate idolatry and give idols and foreign deities a derogatory name. Swearing using its name:[2] One who swears in the name of an idol or foreign deity [transgresses a negative […]
Giving presents during Gentile holidays, chris-mass, New Years
May one give a present to a gentile in honor of Chris-mas and New Years? It is forbidden to give presents to an idol worshiper [even if he is an acquaintance] on the day of his Holiday. If however the gentile does not believe in the idol and does not […]
Giving a present to a gentile
May one give a present to a gentile?[1] It is forbidden to give a free present to a gentile that one is not acquainted with.[2] This applies even if the gentile is not an idolater, such as a Muslim.[3] If however one is acquainted with the gentile, he may give […]
Drawing sun, moon, stars
Making a sculpture, drawing or engraving-Madur Tachton: Making a sculpture, drawings and engravings of a sun, moon, stars, constelations:[1] It is forbidden to make the form of a sun[2], moon or stars [or the 12 constellations[3]]. [Some Poskim[4] rule it is forbidden to make any one of the 12 constelations […]
Construction: Closing up a door or window
Closing off the window or door of a room/home:[1] One may not completely [and permanently[2]] close off a window or door, being that demons use openings to enter and exit and hence closing it off can lead to danger. Rather one must leave a small hole in the area. [The […]
Sitting on a box/bench/bed that contains Sefarim
Sitting on a box/bench/bed that contains Sefarim: Some Poskim[1] rule it is forbidden to sit on a box that contains Sefarim inside.[2] [The same would apply to a bed or bench that opens up and contains Sefarim stored inside.] This applies even if the Sefarim are wrapped in many coverings, […]
Sitting on surface with Sefer
May one sit on the same bench as a Sefer?[1] It is forbidden to sit on a bed which has a Sefer Torah lying on it.[2] The same applies to all other Sefarim; that one may not sit on a surface that contains a Sefer.[3] If the Sefer is elevated […]
Ksav Ashuris
What is Ashuris? Kesav Ashuris is the name of the script used to write all scribal works called STAM [Sefer Torah, Mezuzah, Tefillin]. The script of Kesav Ashuris contains a great amount of Kedusha, and great mystical secrets.[1] Boxed script: The form of script and print used today, which […]