May one take a gentile to a secular court? The Biblical prohibition against going to secular courts applies even against taking a gentile to a secular court, and one who does so transgresses a negative command.[1] This applies even if the secular courts rule the same way as the Beis […]
Inheritance of Communal positions
* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer Buy in Paperback or Kindle Buy on Apple Books Purchase on our website *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. WhatsApp Facebook Twitter Telegram Sign up for Daily Distribution Sponsor an Episode Donate Children’s inheritance of communal positions […]
Doing ultrasounds/sonograms during pregnancy
Check out our Amazon Sefarim Shop * This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Sponsor an Article Doing ultrasounds/sonograms during pregnancy:[1] There is no Halachic impediment that exists against performing an ultrasound and having a sonogram taken. Nonetheless, doing so at times broaches […]
Men wearing tight pants, underpants
Men wearing tight pants and underpants:[1] The Gemara[2] implies that it is forbidden for men to wear pants unless they are made like Batei Shukayim[3].[4] [This however only refers to pants that are made with a special pocket that is tightly fitted for the size of the Eiver, and […]
Rebbe and student bathing together
Student and teacher bathing together:[1] It is forbidden for a student to bathe together with his Rebbe. If however he arrived to the bathhouse before his Rebbe then he is not required to leave.[2] Likewise, if his Rebbe needs the students help in the bathhouse, he is not required […]
Father/son/siblings bathing together
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy here Relatives bathing together:[1] The Talmud[2] prohibits one from bathing together with his father or step father[3], or father in-law[4], or sister’s husband [i.e. brother in-law].[5] Some Poskim[6] extend this prohibition even against bathing with one’s brother, however other Poskim[7] permit […]
Extending greetings to a woman
May one extend greetings to a woman, such as saying Shalom, good morning, good evening, or how are you?[1] One may not ask a woman at all as to her wellbeing.[2] This applies even if one does so indirectly, through a messenger. It is forbidden to send greetings even through […]
Shaking hands with a woman
Shaking hands: Hand shaking is a means of formal communication between two parties and signifies friendship, endearment, and business relations. Shaking the hands of the opposite gender poses the question of whether doing so transgresses the prohibition against showing affectionate touch towards the opposite gender. The following is the ruling […]
Must a married women cover the hair of her sideburns and below the nape
Must a married [or once married] woman cover her sideburns and others hair that protrude past the regular hair of the head? Some Poskim[1] rule that a married woman is not required to cover the little amount of her hair that extends past her “Tzemasan” [which refers to a snood […]
Must a married [or once married] woman cover every strand of hair of her head
Must a married [or once married] woman cover every strand of hair of her head?[1] It is [Biblically[2], and at the very least Rabbinically[3]] forbidden for a married woman to reveal even a single hair of her head to the public, and hence all of the hair, must be covered.[4] […]