Does fish oil require a Hashgacha?

Does fish oil require a Hashgacha:[1] The oil of a non-Kosher fish is likewise Biblically non-Kosher.[2] Accordingly, all fish oil products require a Hashgacha to verify that the oil is derived from a Kosher fish. Fish oil is added in many foods such as Vitamins, medicines. The following will discuss […]

Men shaving armpit and pubic hair

Men shaving armpit and pubic hair:[1] It is forbidden for a man to remove his armpit hair or his pubic hair.[2] This applies even against using scissors to shave the hair to a razor like cut [i.e. Keiyn Taar].[3] [One who transgresses the above has transgressed a Rabbinical command.[4]] In […]

Men removing white hairs

Removing white hairs:[1] It is [Biblically[2]] forbidden for a man to remove even a single white hair from amongst black hairs [so he does not appear old[3]] due to the prohibition of “Lo Yilbash Gever Simlas Isha.”[4] [One who does so is liable for lashes.[5] This applies to the hair […]

Knowing G-d to one’s maximum capacity

Knowing G-d to one’s maximum capacity:[1] It is a fact that it is impossible to fathom Hashem or His ways. Nevertheless, every person has intellectual capabilities which he can use to try to fathom that which is fathomable regarding Hashem. Hashem desires that we exert effort to intellectually get to […]

How to make correct decisions

How to make correct decisions:[1] The Baal Shem Tov stated in the name of the Ramban that whenever one is in question over what to do, whether a certain action is an act of holiness of Kelipa, one should try to imagine himself removed from the situation. He is to […]