Forms of Kashering

This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Forms of Kashering: The Torah taught us a great rule “Kebolo Kach Polto”; the same way the Issur has entered into the vessel is the same way that it can be removed. There are a thus number of different forms […]

Buying and Kashering new vessels

This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Buying and Kashering new vessels: Buying new vessels for Pesach rather than Kashering the Chametz vessels:[1] There is no Mitzvah Min Hamuvchar involved in purchasing new vessels for Pesach rather than to Kasher one’s Chametz vessels, with exception to knives […]

Using Chametz vessels for cold Pesach foods

This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on   Using Chametz vessels for cold Pesach foods:[1] One may remove a clean Chametz vessel from its closed area in order to use it for cold Pesach foods, whether the food is dry of liquidly. However, on Pesach, past the […]

Hafrashas Challah:

This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Hafrashas Challah: Each dough that is rolled for Matzah baking customarily contains less than Shiur Challah.[1] Practically, due to this, Hafrashas Challah is never done prior to baking.[2] After the baking, some Hashgachas join a required amount of baked Matzah […]

Matzah that is a year old

This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Matzah that is a year old:[1] It is permitted to eat Matzah that that was baked the previous year, or years, and it remains valid for the Mitzvah of eating Matzah on the first night of Pesach. [Nevertheless, it is […]

Erev Pesach Matzah

This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on   Erev Pesach Matzah:[1] The custom of all Jews used to be to knead and bake the Matzahs for the seder on Erev Pesach after midday. Due to the nature of the baking today, which does not take place at […]