Parshas Behar[1] 1st Mamar “Ki Savou El Haaretz …” Ki Savou El Haaretz:[2] Sister love for G-d: Scripture describes the relationship between G-d and the Jewish people as a husband and wife and brother and sister, as written in the verse “Pischu Li Achosi Rayasi/Open for Me My sister My […]
Tikkun for possibly transgressing Rabbinical prohibition Beshogeg
I accidentally ate a Nestle Magnum ice cream that has milk powder that is not Chalav Yisrael, as they make two different types one that is one that is not and I forgot to check. What do I do? We find debate amongst the Poskim as to whether powdered milk […]
Why do only married women need to cover their hair and not single girls?
Likkutei Torah Emor The sages state that the hair of a married woman is an Erva, which is a source for nurture of evil and Kelipa. The reason for this is as follows: The female represents the aspect of energy that is invested within the worlds, as the divine energy […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Latest articles, Q&A on Chasan, Hair, Magnum ice cream
Does one say tachanun if there is a Chasan present in shul on the day of his wedding? Different customs. Practcially, Tachanun is to be omitted unless there is an explicit known custom otherwise in one’s community. Is Tachanun recited if there is a Chasan in Shul who is getting […]
Onas Devarim-Hurting another with words-The law and severity
* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer Buy in Paperback or Kindle Buy on Apple Books Purchase on our website *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. WhatsApp Facebook Twitter Telegram Sign up for Daily Distribution Sponsor an Episode Donate Onas Devarim-Hurting another with words:[1] […]
Daily Tanach Tuesday Sefer Melachim 1 Chapter 16: The reign of Zimri
* The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer Buy Now-The Tanach Summary Series Purchase on our website Sign up for Daily link via Whatsapp Sponsor an Episode 1. The very short reign of Zimri and the ensuing civil war culminating in his death and the rule of […]
Daily Chumash Revi’i Vayeitzei – Rachel trades her night with Yaakov in exchange for Reuvein’s flowers
*The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Donate Buy in Paperback or Kindle Buy on Apple Books Purchase on our website Sign up for Daily Distribution Sponsor an Episode Revi’i Rachel trades her night with Yaakov in exchange […]
Parshas Emor Likkutei Torah selected Teachings
Parshas Emor[1] 1st Mamar “Venimkadshti Besoch Bnei Yisrael …” Venimkadshti Besoch Bnei Yisrael:[2] The three groups of angels who shout holy, holy, holy: The sages state that there exist three groups of angels who praise Hashem daily. One group of angels says “Holy” one time. Another group recites it twice, […]
Doing a Bris on Shabbos if nonreligious relatives will drive to the Bris
Iyh I am doing a Bris for my son on Shabbos. What do I do about nonreligious relatives driving to the Bris? The Bris of course is not to be pushed off or delayed due to this. Practically, you have two options: 1) Invite them to stay for the entire […]
May one bathe for pleasure purposes during the 12 months of mourning for a parent [i.e. Jacuzzi/spa]?
May one bathe for pleasure purposes during the 12 months of mourning for a parent [i.e. Jacuzzi/spa]? Yes. After the conclusion of Shloshim, starting from the morning of the 30th day, the mourner may bathe and shower without restriction, and hence there is no restriction against using a Jacuzzi or […]