Question: [Tuesday, 21st Adar 5783] I just turned 17 years old, and I am practicing becoming a Sofer having just finished a Safrus course successfully. Am I allowed to already write a Megillah on behalf of myself and others, prior to age 18, or must I wait till age 18 […]
Chapter 9: Actions that require hand washing due to Ruach Ra’ah
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy here on Amazon Chapter 9: Actions that require hand washing due to Ruach Ra’ah Introduction: Certain actions that are performed cause a spirit of impurity to reside onto the hands similar to the evil spirit that resides upon sleeping at night. Nevertheless […]
Chapter 8: Morning washing related hazards
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy here on Amazon Chapter 8: Morning washing related hazards Introduction: Every Jew upon awakening in the morning is required to wash his hands with a blessing. Prior to washing one’s hands there are certain matters that are forbidden to be done. There […]
Tuesday-Daily Chitas [Chumash, Tanya] & Rambam Summaries [21st Adar 5783]
Donate Subscribe for Daily Email Tuesday, 21st Adar 5783/March 14, 2023 Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Share on telegram Telegram Share on email Email Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on print Print Purchase Sefer Parshas Vayakhel-PekudeiShelishi when connected to Pekudei Making the Menorah: He made the Menorah […]
Should one wear a Tallis Gadol when putting on Rabbeinu Tam later on in the day
Question: [Monday, 13th Adar 5783] Due to my tight work schedule in the morning, I often wear my Tefillin Rabbeinu Tam only later on in the day. My Question is regarding if I need to be careful to also wear my Tallis Gadol when I put on the Rabbeinu Tam […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Should one wear a Tallis Gadol when putting on Rabbeinu Tam later on in the day
Question: [Monday, 13th Adar 5783] Due to my tight work schedule in the morning, I often wear my Tefillin Rabbeinu Tam only later on in the day. My Question is regarding if I need to be careful to also wear my Tallis Gadol when I put on the Rabbeinu Tam […]
Chapter 7: Liquids forbidden due to Danger & Drinking Hazards
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy here on Amazon Chapter 7: Liquids forbidden due to Danger & Drinking Hazards 1. Mayim Shenisgalu-Liquids that were left uncovered:[1] [Talmud/Shulchan Aruch] The letter of the law:[2] Liquids that were left uncovered [without supervision[3] for even a very short amount of time[4]] were […]
Chapter 6: Foods forbidden due to Danger
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy here on Amazon Chapter 6: Foods forbidden due to Danger 1. List of foods forbidden due to danger listed in this chapter: Eating fish and meat together. Food or liquids that are placed under the bed. Peeled eggs, onions and garlic left […]
Placing a bench in front of the Bima in Shul
Question: [Sunday, 19th Adar 5783] I have seen some synagogues that they have a bench and table for sitting in front of the Bima, between the Bima and Aron Kodesh, and others which do not have anything between the Bima and Aron Kodesh, and it is hence left as completely […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Placing a bench in front of the Bima in Shul
Question: [Sunday, 19th Adar 5783] I have seen some synagogues that they have a bench and table for sitting in front of the Bima, between the Bima and Aron Kodesh, and others which do not have anything between the Bima and Aron Kodesh, and it is hence left as completely […]