Question: [Monday, 26th Adar 5783] I’ve always been told to be careful not to open an umbrella inside one’s house and only to open it once you are outside otherwise it brings very bad luck for marriage and for the wedding and other things? The other day it was pouring […]
Chapter 13: Aveilus-Death & Mourning related Hazards
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy here on Amazon Chapter 13: Aveilus-Death & Mourning related Hazards 1. Learning the laws of Aveilus:[1] [Sefer Chassidim/ Achronim] It is a widespread custom for one whose parents are alive to avoid studying the laws of mourning.[2] It is thus only studied […]
Should one cover his eyes when he says Shema using his Tallis?
Question: [Sunday, 26th Adar 5783] I have seen many people cover their eyes with their Tallis when they say Shema. Others simply use their hands. Which is the correct version? Answer: While the main custom is to cover the eyes directly with the hand without the Tallis, and so was […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Should one cover his eyes when he says Shema using his Tallis?
Question: [Sunday, 26th Adar 5783] I have seen many people cover their eyes with their Tallis when they say Shema. Others simply use their hands. Which is the correct version? Answer: While the main custom is to cover the eyes directly with the hand without the Tallis, and so was […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Is the animal soul also eternal just like the G-dly soul?
Question: [Thursday, 23rd h Adar, 5783] I’ve always wondered regarding whether or not our animals soul is eternal and will be around in the future era? I know that the G-dly soul is eternal and will reap the future reward, however, what will happen with our animal soul? Will we […]
Is the animal soul also eternal just like the G-dly soul?
Question: [Thursday, 23rd h Adar, 5783] I’ve always wondered regarding whether or not our animals soul is eternal and will be around in the future era? I know that the G-dly soul is eternal and will reap the future reward, however, what will happen with our animal soul? Will we […]
Thursday-Daily Chitas [Chumash, Tanya] & Rambam Summaries [23rd Adar 5783]
Donate Subscribe for Daily Email Thursday, 23rd Adar 5783/March 16, 2023 Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Share on telegram Telegram Share on email Email Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on print Print Purchase Sefer Parshas Vayakhel-Pekudei Chamishi when connected to Vayakhel The Eiphod: He made the Eiphod […]
Chapter 12: Holiday related Hazards
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy here on Amazon Chapter 12: Holiday related Hazards 1. Rosh Chodesh: A. Cutting hair on Rosh Chodesh: See “Hair.” B. Cutting nails on Rosh Chodesh: See “Nails.” C. Announcing the Molad:[1] The saying of the Molad prior to reciting the blessing over the […]
Buying alcohol or cigarettes for one who does not have ID or is under age
Question: [Wednesday, 22nd Adar, 5783] I was shopping in a supermarket the other day and was approached by two Bochrim who asked me if I can buy for them a bottle of vodka and cigarettes, as they don’t have ID on them. On the one hand, I felt bad telling […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Buying alcohol or cigarettes for one who does not have ID or is under age
Question: [Wednesday, 22nd Adar, 5783] I was shopping in a supermarket the other day and was approached by two Bochrim who asked me if I can buy for them a bottle of vodka and cigarettes, as they don’t have ID on them. On the one hand, I felt bad telling […]