2. The Customs: Various traditions exist within the Lag BaOmer celebration. The legal aspect of these customs relates simply to the ceasing of death of the students of Rebbe Akiva, and hence we halt the mourning customs, and mourning associated rituals. On the other hand, various other customs of joy […]
Monday-Daily Chitas [Chumash, Tanya] & Rambam Summaries [17th Iyar 5783]
Donate Subscribe for Daily Email Monday, 17th Iyar 5783/May 8, 2023 Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Share on telegram Telegram Share on email Email Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on print Print Purchase Sefer Parshas Behar Bechukosai Sheiyni when connected to Bechukosai Sustenance during years of Shemitah: […]
The Bracha on Oat flake bread
Question: [Sunday, 16th Iyar, 5783] I am on a special diet and need to eat a special bread made of oat flakes. It does not contain any flour, but simply oat flakes [and other ingredients] because of which the bread is very crumbly and does not really cut into slices. […]
From the Rav’s Desk: The Bracha on Oat flake bread
Question: [Sunday, 16th Iyar, 5783] I am on a special diet and need to eat a special bread made of oat flakes. It does not contain any flour, but simply oat flakes [and other ingredients] because of which the bread is very crumbly and does not really cut into slices. […]
Sunday-Daily Chitas [Chumash, Tanya] & Rambam Summaries [16th Iyar 5783]
Donate Subscribe for Daily Email Sunday, 16th Iyar 5783/May 7, 2023 Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Share on telegram Telegram Share on email Email Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on print Print Purchase Sefer Parshas Behar Bechukosai Rishon The Mitzvah of Shemitah: Resting the land from planting: […]
The Chabad custom in calling up a Levi when a Kohen is not present
Question: [Thursday, 13th Iyar, 5783] I am the Gabaiy of a Shul and always understood that whenever there was no Kohen present in the synagogue then I may distribute the first Aliyah to anyone I choose whether a Levi or Yisrael, based on my discretion and so I likewise read […]
From the Rav’s Desk: The Chabad custom in calling up a Levi when a Kohen is not present
Question: [Thursday, 13th Iyar, 5783] I am the Gabaiy of a Shul and always understood that whenever there was no Kohen present in the synagogue then I may distribute the first Aliyah to anyone I choose whether a Levi or Yisrael, based on my discretion and so I likewise read […]
Thursday-Daily Chitas [Chumash, Tanya] & Rambam Summaries [13th Iyar 5783]
Donate Subscribe for Daily Email Thursday, 13th Iyar 5783/May 4, 2023 Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Share on telegram Telegram Share on email Email Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on print Print Purchase Sefer Parshas Emor Chamishi Rosh Hashanah: On the first of the seventh month [i.e. […]
May a shirt be worn backwards?
Question: [Wednesday, 12th Iyar 5783] I know that one is not supposed to wear a clothing inside out. I was wondering regarding if I can wear a T-shirt backwards. The reason I would like to do so is for reasons of modesty so it properly cover my neckline. Answer: […]
From the Rav’s Desk: May a shirt be worn backwards?
Question: [Wednesday, 12th Iyar 5783] I know that one is not supposed to wear a clothing inside out. I was wondering regarding if I can wear a T-shirt backwards. The reason I would like to do so is for reasons of modesty so it properly cover my neckline. Answer: […]