Swimming on Yom Tov

Question: [Thursday, 27th Iyar, 5783] Is there any allowance to swim on Yom Tov. We have a pool in our backyard and for some reason while our family was accustomed not to swim on Shabbos we were accustomed to swim on Yom Tov. Is this Halachically accurate, and is there […]

Shabbos Mevrachim Sivan and Av Harachamim prayer

Av Harachaim on Shabbos Mivarchim Sivan and on Shabbos before Shavuos:[1] Av Harachamim is recited on Shabbos Mivarchim Sivan.[2] Saying Av Harachamim if a Baal Bris or Chasan is in Shul, and by Shabbos before Shavuos:[3]  Even in the event that a Bris is taking place in Shul [or if […]